Alibaba Cloud releases MaxCompute big data platform in the U.S.

云原生大数据计算服务MaxCompute,500CU*H 100GB 3个月
云原生大数据计算服务 MaxCompute,5000CU*H 100GB 3个月
简介: Alibaba Group's cloud computing platform, Alibaba Cloud, officially launched its MaxCompute big data platform in the United States.


On November 16, 2017, Alibaba Group's cloud computing platform, Alibaba Cloud, officially launched its MaxCompute big data platform in the United States. This platform was independently developed by Alibaba Cloud and possesses many features, including upgraded computing and machine learning capabilities, scalability and security protection. MaxCompute will enhance Alibaba Cloud's competitive advantages as an enterprise cloud solution vendor in the U.S. market.


In its continued quest to use technology to create more polished products, such as MaxCompute, Alibaba Cloud's goal and motivation is to bring the dividends of technological development to developers and companies. During the main forum at the Hangzhou Computing Conference held in October of this year, Zhou Jingren, Vice President of Alibaba Group, presided over the official launch of the public cloud-based BigBench on MaxCompute. This was the first computing engine that could accommodate up to 100 TB of data and provide a performance of 7,000 BBQpm. It is now the benchmark for public cloud-based services. After the conclusion of the conference, MaxCompute opened a one-month testing environment and released open-source BigBench on MaxCompute SDKs, allowing developers to try out the product and verify its features.

During the recent 11/11 global shopping spree, MaxCompute served as an offline computing platform. On 11/11, it processed over 320 PB of data during peak business times, scheduling millions of jobs and preventing the traffic surge from overwhelming business systems. By integrating the Lightning Compute interactive computing mode, for the first time, it provided 4,000 Tmall merchants with real-time, fine-grained statistical data. Such real-time data has strong consistency across data centers, providing excellent disaster tolerance. Even if the entire data center encounters a fault, services are restored in minutes for seamless data access.

As MaxCompute products and technologies continue to benefit Chinese enterprises and developers, Alibaba Cloud is accelerating its global deployment. The US West is the sixth overseas region to officially go online this year. Following entry into the Asia Pacific and European markets, this region is the first in the U.S. market.

MaxCompute 2.0 will be deployed on the US West region. Leveraging the all-new SQL2.0 computing engine, the new version features higher computing performance, supports analysis of unstructured data, such as images and videos, and provides massive data computing to artificial intelligence and other hot new technology fields. At the same time, MaxCompute is seamlessly integrated with other cloud products. Enterprise customers can use Log Service to easily sync massive volumes of log data from ECS and ApsaraDB to MaxCompute, process and schedule data with DTplus DataWorks, and ultimately analyze the data and present the results using PAI, Quick BI, and DataV.

With industry demand continuing to grow, data processing and analysis will remain the primary services provided by cloud computing vendors. Soon after MaxCompute's deployment on the US West, Alibaba Cloud will open services on the US East. This will represent a further increase to Alibaba Cloud's service capabilities in the U.S. market, providing secure and scalable computing services to local customers.

For more detailed product information, visit the Official International Site.

SaaS 模式云数据仓库必修课
本课程由阿里云开发者社区和阿里云大数据团队共同出品,是SaaS模式云原生数据仓库领导者MaxCompute核心课程。本课程由阿里云资深产品和技术专家们从概念到方法,从场景到实践,体系化的将阿里巴巴飞天大数据平台10多年的经过验证的方法与实践深入浅出的讲给开发者们。帮助大数据开发者快速了解并掌握SaaS模式的云原生的数据仓库,助力开发者学习了解先进的技术栈,并能在实际业务中敏捷的进行大数据分析,赋能企业业务。 通过本课程可以了解SaaS模式云原生数据仓库领导者MaxCompute核心功能及典型适用场景,可应用MaxCompute实现数仓搭建,快速进行大数据分析。适合大数据工程师、大数据分析师 大量数据需要处理、存储和管理,需要搭建数据仓库?学它! 没有足够人员和经验来运维大数据平台,不想自建IDC买机器,需要免运维的大数据平台?会SQL就等于会大数据?学它! 想知道大数据用得对不对,想用更少的钱得到持续演进的数仓能力?获得极致弹性的计算资源和更好的性能,以及持续保护数据安全的生产环境?学它! 想要获得灵活的分析能力,快速洞察数据规律特征?想要兼得数据湖的灵活性与数据仓库的成长性?学它! 出品人:阿里云大数据产品及研发团队专家 产品 MaxCompute 官网 
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