找到。macOS 上的用户还必须安装来自pypi.org/project/pyobjc
Sound Mimic, by Al Sweigart email@protected Try to memorize a pattern of A S D F letters (each with its own sound) as it gets longer and longer. Press Enter to begin... `<screen clears>` Pattern: S `<screen clears>` Enter the pattern: > s Correct! `<screen clears>` Pattern: S F `<screen clears>` Enter the pattern: > sf Correct! `<screen clears>` Pattern: S F F `<screen clears>` Enter the pattern: > sff Correct! `<screen clears>` Pattern: S F F D `--snip--`
"""Sound Mimic, by Al Sweigart email@protected A pattern-matching game with sounds. Try to memorize an increasingly longer and longer pattern of letters. Inspired by the electronic game, Simon. This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming Tags: short, beginner, game""" import random, sys, time # Download the sound files from these URLs (or use your own): # https://inventwithpython.com/soundA.wav # https://inventwithpython.com/soundS.wav # https://inventwithpython.com/soundD.wav # https://inventwithpython.com/soundF.wav try: import playsound except ImportError: print('The playsound module needs to be installed to run this') print('program. On Windows, open a Command Prompt and run:') print('pip install playsound') print('On macOS and Linux, open a Terminal and run:') print('pip3 install playsound') sys.exit() print('''Sound Mimic, by Al Sweigart email@protected Try to memorize a pattern of A S D F letters (each with its own sound) as it gets longer and longer.''') input('Press Enter to begin...') pattern = '' while True: print('\n' * 60) # Clear the screen by printing several newlines. # Add a random letter to the pattern: pattern = pattern + random.choice('ASDF') # Display the pattern (and play their sounds): print('Pattern: ', end='') for letter in pattern: print(letter, end=' ', flush=True) playsound.playsound('sound' + letter + '.wav') time.sleep(1) # Add a slight pause at the end. print('\n' * 60) # Clear the screen by printing several newlines. # Let the player enter the pattern: print('Enter the pattern:') response = input('> ').upper() if response != pattern: print('Incorrect!') print('The pattern was', pattern) else: print('Correct!') for letter in pattern: playsound.playsound('sound' + letter + '.wav') if response != pattern: print('You scored', len(pattern) - 1, 'points.') print('Thanks for playing!') break time.sleep(1)
- 如果删除或注释掉第 47 行的
print('\n' * 60)
会发生什么? - 如果把第 62 行的
response != pattern
sPoNgEcAsE, bY aL sWeIGaRt email@protected eNtEr YoUr MeSsAgE: > Using SpongeBob memes does not make you witty. uSiNg SpOnGeBoB MeMeS dOeS NoT mAkE YoU wItTy. (cOpIed SpOnGeTexT to ClIpbOaRd.)
这个程序中的代码在第 35 行使用了一个for
)。第 46 和 47 行在 90%的迭代中切换useUpper
"""sPoNgEcAsE, by Al Sweigart email@protected Translates English messages into sPOnGEcAsE. This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming Tags: tiny, beginner, word""" import random try: import pyperclip # pyperclip copies text to the clipboard. except ImportError: pass # If pyperclip is not installed, do nothing. It's no big deal. def main(): """Run the Spongecase program.""" print('''sPoNgEtExT, bY aL sWeIGaRt email@protected eNtEr YoUr MeSsAgE:''') spongecase = englishToSpongecase(input('> ')) print() print(spongecase) try: pyperclip.copy(spongecase) print('(cOpIed SpOnGeCasE to ClIpbOaRd.)') except: pass # Do nothing if pyperclip wasn't installed. def englishToSpongecase(message): """Return the spongecase form of the given string.""" spongecase = '' useUpper = False for character in message: if not character.isalpha(): spongecase += character continue if useUpper: spongecase += character.upper() else: spongecase += character.lower() # Flip the case, 90% of the time. if random.randint(1, 100) <= 90: useUpper = not useUpper # Flip the case. return spongecase # If this program was run (instead of imported), run the game: if __name__ == '__main__': main()
- 如果把第 46 行的
random.randint(1, 100)
改成random.randint(80, 100)
会怎么样? - 如果删除或注释掉第 47 行的
useUpper = not useUpper
数独是报纸和手机应用中流行的益智游戏。数独棋盘是一个9 × 9
的格子,玩家必须将数字 1 到 9 放置一次,并且只能放置一次,在每行、每列和3 × 3
Sudoku Puzzle, by Al Sweigart email@protected `--snip--` A B C D E F G H I 1 . . . | . . . | . . . 2 . 7 9 | . 5 . | 1 8 . 3 8 . . | . . . | . . 7 ------+-------+------ 4 . . 7 | 3 . 6 | 8 . . 5 4 5 . | 7 . 8 | . 9 6 6 . . 3 | 5 . 2 | 7 . . ------+-------+------ 7 7 . . | . . . | . . 5 8 . 1 6 | . 3 . | 4 2 . 9 . . . | . . . | . . . Enter a move, or RESET, NEW, UNDO, ORIGINAL, or QUIT: (For example, a move looks like "B4 9".) `--snip--`
从第 141 行开始,程序的主要部分为这个游戏使用了一个SudokuGrid
"""Sudoku Puzzle, by Al Sweigart email@protected The classic 9x9 number placement puzzle. More info at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming Tags: large, game, object-oriented, puzzle""" import copy, random, sys # This game requires a sudokupuzzle.txt file that contains the puzzles. # Download it from https://inventwithpython.com/sudokupuzzles.txt # Here's a sample of the content in this file: # ..3.2.6..9..3.5..1..18.64....81.29..7.......8..67.82....26.95..8..2.3..9..5.1.3.. # 2...8.3...6..7..84.3.5..2.9...1.54.8.........4.27.6...3.1..7.4.72..4..6...4.1...3 # ......9.7...42.18....7.5.261..9.4....5.....4....5.7..992.1.8....34.59...5.7...... # .3..5..4...8.1.5..46..... # Set up the constants: EMPTY_SPACE = '.' GRID_LENGTH = 9 BOX_LENGTH = 3 FULL_GRID_SIZE = GRID_LENGTH * GRID_LENGTH class SudokuGrid: def __init__(self, originalSetup): # originalSetup is a string of 81 characters for the puzzle # setup, with numbers and periods (for the blank spaces). # See https://inventwithpython.com/sudokupuzzles.txt self.originalSetup = originalSetup # The state of the sudoku grid is represented by a dictionary # with (x, y) keys and values of the number (as a string) at # that space. self.grid = {} self.resetGrid() # Set the grid state to its original setup. self.moves = [] # Tracks each move for the undo feature. def resetGrid(self): """Reset the state of the grid, tracked by self.grid, to the state in self.originalSetup.""" for x in range(1, GRID_LENGTH + 1): for y in range(1, GRID_LENGTH + 1): self.grid[(x, y)] = EMPTY_SPACE assert len(self.originalSetup) == FULL_GRID_SIZE i = 0 # i goes from 0 to 80 y = 0 # y goes from 0 to 8 while i < FULL_GRID_SIZE: for x in range(GRID_LENGTH): self.grid[(x, y)] = self.originalSetup[i] i += 1 y += 1 def makeMove(self, column, row, number): """Place the number at the column (a letter from A to I) and row (an integer from 1 to 9) on the grid.""" x = 'ABCDEFGHI'.find(column) # Convert this to an integer. y = int(row) - 1 # Check if the move is being made on a "given" number: if self.originalSetup[y * GRID_LENGTH + x] != EMPTY_SPACE: return False self.grid[(x, y)] = number # Place this number on the grid. # We need to store a separate copy of the dictionary object: self.moves.append(copy.copy(self.grid)) return True def undo(self): """Set the current grid state to the previous state in the self.moves list.""" if self.moves == []: return # No states in self.moves, so do nothing. self.moves.pop() # Remove the current state. if self.moves == []: self.resetGrid() else: # set the grid to the last move. self.grid = copy.copy(self.moves[-1]) def display(self): """Display the current state of the grid on the screen.""" print(' A B C D E F G H I') # Display column labels. for y in range(GRID_LENGTH): for x in range(GRID_LENGTH): if x == 0: # Display row label: print(str(y + 1) + ' ', end='') print(self.grid[(x, y)] + ' ', end='') if x == 2 or x == 5: # Display a vertical line: print('| ', end='') print() # Print a newline. if y == 2 or y == 5: # Display a horizontal line: print(' ------+-------+------') def _isCompleteSetOfNumbers(self, numbers): """Return True if numbers contains the digits 1 through 9.""" return sorted(numbers) == list('123456789') def isSolved(self): """Returns True if the current grid is in a solved state.""" # Check each row: for row in range(GRID_LENGTH): rowNumbers = [] for x in range(GRID_LENGTH): number = self.grid[(x, row)] rowNumbers.append(number) if not self._isCompleteSetOfNumbers(rowNumbers): return False # Check each column: for column in range(GRID_LENGTH): columnNumbers = [] for y in range(GRID_LENGTH): number = self.grid[(column, y)] columnNumbers.append(number) if not self._isCompleteSetOfNumbers(columnNumbers): return False # Check each box: for boxx in (0, 3, 6): for boxy in (0, 3, 6): boxNumbers = [] for x in range(BOX_LENGTH): for y in range(BOX_LENGTH): number = self.grid[(boxx + x, boxy + y)] boxNumbers.append(number) if not self._isCompleteSetOfNumbers(boxNumbers): return False return True print('''Sudoku Puzzle, by Al Sweigart email@protected Sudoku is a number placement logic puzzle game. A Sudoku grid is a 9x9 grid of numbers. Try to place numbers in the grid such that every row, column, and 3x3 box has the numbers 1 through 9 once and only once. For example, here is a starting Sudoku grid and its solved form: 5 3 . | . 7 . | . . . 5 3 4 | 6 7 8 | 9 1 2 6 . . | 1 9 5 | . . . 6 7 2 | 1 9 5 | 3 4 8 . 9 8 | . . . | . 6 . 1 9 8 | 3 4 2 | 5 6 7 ------+-------+------ ------+-------+------ 8 . . | . 6 . | . . 3 8 5 9 | 7 6 1 | 4 2 3 4 . . | 8 . 3 | . . 1 --> 4 2 6 | 8 5 3 | 7 9 1 7 . . | . 2 . | . . 6 7 1 3 | 9 2 4 | 8 5 6 ------+-------+------ ------+-------+------ . 6 . | . . . | 2 8 . 9 6 1 | 5 3 7 | 2 8 4 . . . | 4 1 9 | . . 5 2 8 7 | 4 1 9 | 6 3 5 . . . | . 8 . | . 7 9 3 4 5 | 2 8 6 | 1 7 9 ''') input('Press Enter to begin...') # Load the sudokupuzzles.txt file: with open('sudokupuzzles.txt') as puzzleFile: puzzles = puzzleFile.readlines() # Remove the newlines at the end of each puzzle: for i, puzzle in enumerate(puzzles): puzzles[i] = puzzle.strip() grid = SudokuGrid(random.choice(puzzles)) while True: # Main game loop. grid.display() # Check if the puzzle is solved. if grid.isSolved(): print('Congratulations! You solved the puzzle!') print('Thanks for playing!') sys.exit() # Get the player's action: while True: # Keep asking until the player enters a valid action. print() # Print a newline. print('Enter a move, or RESET, NEW, UNDO, ORIGINAL, or QUIT:') print('(For example, a move looks like "B4 9".)') action = input('> ').upper().strip() if len(action) > 0 and action[0] in ('R', 'N', 'U', 'O', 'Q'): # Player entered a valid action. break if len(action.split()) == 2: space, number = action.split() if len(space) != 2: continue column, row = space if column not in list('ABCDEFGHI'): print('There is no column', column) continue if not row.isdecimal() or not (1 <= int(row) <= 9): print('There is no row', row) continue if not (1 <= int(number) <= 9): print('Select a number from 1 to 9, not ', number) continue break # Player entered a valid move. print() # Print a newline. if action.startswith('R'): # Reset the grid: grid.resetGrid() continue if action.startswith('N'): # Get a new puzzle: grid = SudokuGrid(random.choice(puzzles)) continue if action.startswith('U'): # Undo the last move: grid.undo() continue if action.startswith('O'): # View the original numbers: originalGrid = SudokuGrid(grid.originalSetup) print('The original grid looked like this:') originalGrid.display() input('Press Enter to continue...') if action.startswith('Q'): # Quit the game. print('Thanks for playing!') sys.exit() # Handle the move the player selected. if grid.makeMove(column, row, number) == False: print('You cannot overwrite the original grid\'s numbers.') print('Enter ORIGINAL to view the original grid.') input('Press Enter to continue...')
- 删除或重命名
文件并运行程序会出现什么错误? - 如果把第 91 行的
str(y + 1)
会怎么样? - 如果把第 99 行的
if y == 2 or y == 5:
改成if y == 1 or y == 6:
Text To Speech Talker, by Al Sweigart email@protected Text-to-speech using the pyttsx3 module, which in turn uses the NSSpeechSynthesizer (on macOS), SAPI5 (on Windows), or eSpeak (on Linux) speech engines. Enter the text to speak, or QUIT to quit. > Hello. My name is Guido van Robot. `<computer speaks text out loud>` > quit Thanks for playing!
模块处理所有的文本到语音代码。要使用该模块,请按照本书介绍中的说明进行安装。一旦你这样做了,你的 Python 脚本可以用import pyttsx3
"""Text To Speech Talker, by Al Sweigart email@protected An example program using the text-to-speech features of the pyttsx3 module. View this code at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-projects Tags: tiny, beginner""" import sys try: import pyttsx3 except ImportError: print('The pyttsx3 module needs to be installed to run this') print('program. On Windows, open a Command Prompt and run:') print('pip install pyttsx3') print('On macOS and Linux, open a Terminal and run:') print('pip3 install pyttsx3') sys.exit() tts = pyttsx3.init() # Initialize the TTS engine. print('Text To Speech Talker, by Al Sweigart email@protected') print('Text-to-speech using the pyttsx3 module, which in turn uses') print('the NSSpeechSynthesizer (on macOS), SAPI5 (on Windows), or') print('eSpeak (on Linux) speech engines.') print() print('Enter the text to speak, or QUIT to quit.') while True: text = input('> ') if text.upper() == 'QUIT': print('Thanks for playing!') sys.exit() tts.say(text) # Add some text for the TTS engine to say. tts.runAndWait() # Make the TTS engine say it.
Three-Card Monte, by Al Sweigart email@protected Find the red lady (the Queen of Hearts)! Keep an eye on how the cards move. Here are the cards: ___ ___ ___ |J | |Q | |8 | | ♦ | | ♥ | | ♣ | |__J| |__Q| |__8| Press Enter when you are ready to begin... swapping left and middle... swapping right and middle... swapping middle and left... swapping right and left... swapping left and middle... `--snip--` `<screen clears>` Which card has the Queen of Hearts? (LEFT MIDDLE RIGHT) > middle ___ ___ ___ |Q | |8 | |J | | ♥ | | ♣ | | ♦ | |__Q| |__8| |__J| You lost! Thanks for playing, sucker!
在这个程序中,我们用一个(rank, suit)
,花色是心形、梅花、黑桃或菱形表情符号的字符串。因为你不能用键盘输入表情符号,我们将在第 16 到 19 行使用chr()
函数调用来产生它们。元组('9', '♦')
代表方块 9。
第 28 到 43 行的displayCards()
函数解释这些元组并在屏幕上显示 ASCII 艺术画表示,而不是直接打印出来,就像项目 4“21 点”一样。这个函数的cards
"""Three-Card Monte, by Al Sweigart email@protected Find the Queen of Hearts after cards have been swapped around. (In the real-life version, the scammer palms the Queen of Hearts so you always lose.) More info at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-card_Monte This code is available at https://nostarch.com/big-book-small-python-programming Tags: large, card game, game""" import random, time # Set up the constants: NUM_SWAPS = 16 # (!) Try changing this to 30 or 100. DELAY = 0.8 # (!) Try changing this 2.0 or 0.0. # The card suit characters: HEARTS = chr(9829) # Character 9829 is '♥' DIAMONDS = chr(9830) # Character 9830 is '♦' SPADES = chr(9824) # Character 9824 is '♠' CLUBS = chr(9827) # Character 9827 is '♣' # A list of chr() codes is at https://inventwithpython.com/chr # The indexes of a 3-card list: LEFT = 0 MIDDLE = 1 RIGHT = 2 def displayCards(cards): """Display the cards in "cards", which is a list of (rank, suit) tuples.""" rows = ['', '', '', '', ''] # Stores the text to display. for i, card in enumerate(cards): rank, suit = card # The card is a tuple data structure. rows[0] += ' ___ ' # Print the top line of the card. rows[1] += '|{} | '.format(rank.ljust(2)) rows[2] += '| {} | '.format(suit) rows[3] += '|_{}| '.format(rank.rjust(2, '_')) # Print each row on the screen: for i in range(5): print(rows[i]) def getRandomCard(): """Returns a random card that is NOT the Queen of Hearts.""" while True: # Make cards until you get a non-Queen of hearts. rank = random.choice(list('23456789JQKA') + ['10']) suit = random.choice([HEARTS, DIAMONDS, SPADES, CLUBS]) # Return the card as long as it's not the Queen of Hearts: if rank != 'Q' and suit != HEARTS: return (rank, suit) print('Three-Card Monte, by Al Sweigart email@protected') print() print('Find the red lady (the Queen of Hearts)! Keep an eye on how') print('the cards move.') print() # Show the original arrangement: cards = [('Q', HEARTS), getRandomCard(), getRandomCard()] random.shuffle(cards) # Put the Queen of Hearts in a random place. print('Here are the cards:') displayCards(cards) input('Press Enter when you are ready to begin...') # Print the swaps: for i in range(NUM_SWAPS): swap = random.choice(['l-m', 'm-r', 'l-r', 'm-l', 'r-m', 'r-l']) if swap == 'l-m': print('swapping left and middle...') cards[LEFT], cards[MIDDLE] = cards[MIDDLE], cards[LEFT] elif swap == 'm-r': print('swapping middle and right...') cards[MIDDLE], cards[RIGHT] = cards[RIGHT], cards[MIDDLE] elif swap == 'l-r': print('swapping left and right...') cards[LEFT], cards[RIGHT] = cards[RIGHT], cards[LEFT] elif swap == 'm-l': print('swapping middle and left...') cards[MIDDLE], cards[LEFT] = cards[LEFT], cards[MIDDLE] elif swap == 'r-m': print('swapping right and middle...') cards[RIGHT], cards[MIDDLE] = cards[MIDDLE], cards[RIGHT] elif swap == 'r-l': print('swapping right and left...') cards[RIGHT], cards[LEFT] = cards[LEFT], cards[RIGHT] time.sleep(DELAY) # Print several new lines to hide the swaps. print('\n' * 60) # Ask the user to find the red lady: while True: # Keep asking until LEFT, MIDDLE, or RIGHT is entered. print('Which card has the Queen of Hearts? (LEFT MIDDLE RIGHT)') guess = input('> ').upper() # Get the index in cards for the position that the player entered: if guess in ['LEFT', 'MIDDLE', 'RIGHT']: if guess == 'LEFT': guessIndex = 0 elif guess == 'MIDDLE': guessIndex = 1 elif guess == 'RIGHT': guessIndex = 2 break # (!) Uncomment this code to make the player always lose: #if cards[guessIndex] == ('Q', HEARTS): # # Player has won, so let's move the queen. # possibleNewIndexes = [0, 1, 2] # possibleNewIndexes.remove(guessIndex) # Remove the queen's index. # newInd = random.choice(possibleNewIndexes) # Choose a new index. # # Place the queen at the new index: # cards[guessIndex], cards[newInd] = cards[newInd], cards[guessIndex] displayCards(cards) # Show all the cards. # Check if the player won: if cards[guessIndex] == ('Q', HEARTS): print('You won!') print('Thanks for playing!') else: print('You lost!') print('Thanks for playing, sucker!')
- 使用项目 57“进度条”中的退格打印技术,简单显示每条交换信息,然后打印
字符,在打印下一条信息之前将其删除。 - 创建一个增加难度的四卡蒙特游戏。
- 如果把第 64 行的
[('Q', HEARTS), getRandomCard(), getRandomCard()]
改成[('Q', HEARTS), ('Q', HEARTS), ('Q', HEARTS)]
会怎么样? - 如果把第 49 行的
会怎么样? - 如果删除或注释掉第 93 行的