11:56:12.805815/SRT:RcvQ:w1!W:SRT.qr: @526178200:No room to store
incoming packet seqno 82746865, insert offset 13872. Space avail
8184/8192 pkts. Packets ACKed: 7 (TSBPD ready in -48591 : -48574 ms),
not ACKed: 0, timespan 17 ms. GETTIME_MONOTONIC drift 0 ms.
11:56:12.866647/SRT:RcvQ:w1E:SRT.qr: @526178200:SEQUENCE DISCREPANCY.
BREAKING CONNECTION. seq=82746866 buffer=(82732993:82732992+82741184),
5683 past max. Reception no longer possible. REQUESTING TO CLOSE.
11:56:13.725017/read_threadE:SRT.ea: remove_usock: @526178200 not
found as either socket or group. Removing only from epoll system.