与此同时,本文并不试图解释GPT-3是如何工作的,也不试图解释它如何能够完成它正在做的事情。关于这些话题的更多细节已经在Jay Alammar[1]和Max Woolf[2]等文章中写得很详细。GPT-3论文本身可以在[3]中引用。
在GPT-3的API中,' prompt '是提供给API的一个参数,以便它能够识别要解决的问题的上下文。根据提示的编写方式,返回的文本将尝试匹配相应的模式[4]。
defcall_openapi(question): response=openai.Completion.create( engine="davinci", prompt="""This is a banking expert.Q: What is interest rate?A: The interest rate is the amount a lender charges for the use of assets expressed as a percentage of the principal.Q: What is PD?A: Probability of default.Q: {question}?A:""".format(question=question), temperature=0.3, max_tokens=60, top_p=1.0, frequency_penalty=0.0, presence_penalty=0.0, stop=["\n"] ) returnresponse
关于如何配置提示的其他创造性方法,请参阅其GPT-3 API页面[5]的示例部分。或者,您也可以参考我的代码来检查文本分类和产品命名任务的提示示例。
我们通过GPT-3来提示职位名称、描述和类别是什么样子的。我们将保留最后一个作业专业为空,作为一种向API发出信号的方式,表明这是它接下来需要填充的位置。' ### '关键字被定义为该配置中的停止字符。
defcall_openapi(title, desc): response=openai.Completion.create( engine="davinci", prompt="""This is a job specialization classifierJob title: Account ExecutiveJob description: Handle full set of accounts.\nFamiliar with Income Tax filing.\nMaintain daily cash flow and reporting.\nPrepare monthly and annual financial reports.\nMaintain proper records of all accounting transactions.\nPerform general administrative and other accounting duties from time to time.Job specialization: Accounting/Finance###Job title: Senior Accounts ExecutiveJob description: To handle a full set of Accounts.\nTo be responsible for monthly closing of accounts with relevant supporting schedules in an accurate and timely manner.\nPreparation of any financial ad-hoc reports.\nReviewing all invoices and payment instructions and preparing creditors’ payment for payment processing.\nTo prepare invoices for approval by the relevant Head of Department.\nTo ensure that the Account Payable records are updated accurately and timely for management reporting purposes.\nTo review and process staff claims.\nLiaison with Auditors, Company Secretary, Tax Agent and Bank OfficersJob specialization: Accounting/Finance###Job title: Account ExecutiveJob description: Compiling and analyzing data to find trends.\nDeveloping sales strategies and setting quotas.\nStaying current on company offerings and industry trends.\nMaintaining a database of contact information.\nBuilding long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with external contacts and internal departments to create a better customer experience.Job specialization: Sales/Marketing###Job title: Sales Consultant (General)Job description: Develop and formulate strategic and tactical plans in a sizeable market portfolio. Ensure KPI and goals of the assigned accounts are met.\nBuild market position by identifying potential business deals and close relationship with existing and new customers;\nDevelop and formulate strategies to acquire new business.\nProvide and screen data/information for potential business deals by analysing market strategy, examining risks and financial accuracy for business decision making;\nGrow account depth and breadth\nDevelop Account plans for all KPI customers.\nAccountable on driving every opportunity to closure with a close plan.\nKeeping track of all post sales activities with daily sales report.Job specialization: Sales/Marketing###Job title: {job_title}Job description: {job_desc}Job specialization:""".format(job_title=job_title, job_desc=job_desc), temperature=0.3, max_tokens=60, top_p=1.0, frequency_penalty=0.0, presence_penalty=0.0, stop=["###"] ) returnresponsedefextract_ans(response): returnprint('Job specialization: ', response.choices[0].text.partition('\n')[0])