首先介绍下什么是WebSocket,这就不得不先提到HTTP协议了。众所周知,在HTTP/2发布前,所有HTTP请求都是 请求-应答的 模式,这就意味着客户端只能向服务器要数据,然后服务端被动应答,而服务器无法主动将数据推送给客户端。这就导致一些高时效性的场景用HTTP就会有些问题,就拿实时聊天举例吧,客户端想知道近期有没有人说过话,就只能不断问服务器 有没有人发了消息? 有的话服务器就返回,没有就不返回,这种行为被称为轮询。 轮询的问题在于如果询问的时间间隔太长,消息的及时性无法得到保证,但如果时间太短,对服务器的压力就会大幅提升(因为不断要请求响应)。 有没有可能服务器有消息的时候,主动推送给客户端?
回到我们的正题,如何用Netty+WebSocket写一个网络聊天室? 其实Netty里已经封装好了HTTP和WebSocket的实现,我们只需要实现部分聊天室的功能即可,接下来看下我实现的完整代码:
@Service public class WebSocketServer { static final String WEBSOCKET_PATH = "/ws"; private ChannelFuture f; @Resource private WebSocketFrameHandler webSocketFrameHandler; @PostConstruct private void init() { bind(Constant.SOCKET_PORT); } public static voud bind(int port) { EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(1); EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(); try { ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap(); b.group(bossGroup, workerGroup) .channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class) .handler(new LoggingHandler(LogLevel.INFO)) .childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() { @Override protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception { ChannelPipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline(); pipeline.addLast(new HttpServerCodec()); // netty中http协议的编解码 pipeline.addLast(new HttpObjectAggregator(65536)); pipeline.addLast(new WebSocketServerCompressionHandler()); pipeline.addLast(new WebSocketServerProtocolHandler(WEBSOCKET_PATH, null, true)); pipeline.addLast(new WebSocketIndexPageHandler(WEBSOCKET_PATH)); // demo页面的handler,这个是非必须的,可以换成其他第三方的WebSocket客户端工具 pipeline.addLast(webSocketFrameHandler); // 聊天室的主要逻辑 } }); Channel f = b.bind(port).sync().channel(); f.closeFuture().sync(); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { bossGroup.shutdownGracefully(); workerGroup.shutdownGracefully(); } } }
因为HttpServerCodec HttpObjectAggregator WebSocketServerCompressionHandler WebSocketServerProtocolHandler是Netty组件中提供的组件,其作用就是完成Http和WebSocket协议数据到Java对象的相互转换,这里就不再展开了,我们直接看下剩下的两个Handler。
public class WebSocketIndexPageHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<FullHttpRequest> { private final String websocketPath; public WebSocketIndexPageHandler(String websocketPath) { this.websocketPath = websocketPath; } private static void sendHttpResponse(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpRequest req, FullHttpResponse res) { // Generate an error page if response getStatus code is not OK (200). HttpResponseStatus responseStatus = res.status(); if (responseStatus.code() != 200) { ByteBufUtil.writeUtf8(res.content(), responseStatus.toString()); HttpUtil.setContentLength(res, res.content().readableBytes()); } // Send the response and close the connection if necessary. boolean keepAlive = HttpUtil.isKeepAlive(req) && responseStatus.code() == 200; HttpUtil.setKeepAlive(res, keepAlive); ChannelFuture future = ctx.writeAndFlush(res); if (!keepAlive) { future.addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE); } } private static String getWebSocketLocation(ChannelPipeline cp, HttpRequest req, String path) { String protocol = "ws"; if (cp.get(SslHandler.class) != null) { // SSL in use so use Secure WebSockets protocol = "wss"; } return protocol + "://" + req.headers().get(HttpHeaderNames.HOST) + path; } @Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpRequest req) throws Exception { // Handle a bad request. if (!req.decoderResult().isSuccess()) { sendHttpResponse(ctx, req, new DefaultFullHttpResponse(req.protocolVersion(), BAD_REQUEST, ctx.alloc().buffer(0))); return; } // Allow only GET methods. if (!GET.equals(req.method())) { sendHttpResponse(ctx, req, new DefaultFullHttpResponse(req.protocolVersion(), FORBIDDEN, ctx.alloc().buffer(0))); return; } // Send the index page if ("/".equals(req.uri()) || "/index.html".equals(req.uri())) { String webSocketLocation = getWebSocketLocation(ctx.pipeline(), req, websocketPath); ByteBuf content = WebSocketServerIndexPage.getContent(webSocketLocation); FullHttpResponse res = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(req.protocolVersion(), OK, content); res.headers().set(CONTENT_TYPE, "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); HttpUtil.setContentLength(res, content.readableBytes()); sendHttpResponse(ctx, req, res); } else { sendHttpResponse(ctx, req, new DefaultFullHttpResponse(req.protocolVersion(), NOT_FOUND, ctx.alloc().buffer(0))); } } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) { cause.printStackTrace(); ctx.close(); } }
public final class WebSocketServerIndexPage { public static ByteBuf getContent(String webSocketLocation) { return Unpooled.copiedBuffer("\n" + "<html><head><title>Web Socket Test</title></head>\n" + "<body>\n" + "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" + "var socket;\n" + "if (!window.WebSocket) {\n" + " window.WebSocket = window.MozWebSocket;\n" + "}\n" + "if (window.WebSocket) {\n" + " socket = new WebSocket(\"" + webSocketLocation + "\");\n" + " socket.onmessage = function(event) {\n" + " var ta = document.getElementById('responseText');\n" + " ta.value = ta.value + '\\n' + event.data\n" + " ta.scrollTop = ta.scrollHeight\n" + " };\n" + " socket.onopen = function(event) {\n" + " var ta = document.getElementById('responseText');\n" + " ta.value = \"Web Socket opened!\";\n" + " ta.scrollTop = ta.scrollHeight\n" + " };\n" + " socket.onclose = function(event) {\n" + " var ta = document.getElementById('responseText');\n" + " ta.value = ta.value + \"Web Socket closed!\";\n" + " ta.scrollTop = ta.scrollHeight\n" + " };\n" + "} else {\n" + " alert(\"Your browser does not support Web Socket.\");\n" + "}\n" + "\n" + "function send(message) {\n" + " if (!window.WebSocket) { return; }\n" + " if (socket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) {\n" + " socket.send(message);\n" + " document.getElementById('msgForm').value = ''\n" + " } else {\n" + " alert(\"The socket is not open.\");\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" + "</script>\n" + "<textarea id=\"responseText\" style=\"width:500px;height:300px;\"></textarea>\n" + "<form onsubmit=\"return false;\">\n" + "<input type=\"text\" name=\"message\" id=\"msgForm\"/><input type=\"button\" value=\"Send\"\n" + " onclick=\"send(this.form.message.value)\" />\n" + "</form>\n" + "</body>\n" + "</html>\n", CharsetUtil.US_ASCII); } }
@Service @Slf4j @ChannelHandler.Sharable public class WebSocketFrameHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<WebSocketFrame> { // 我直接取了天龙八部里的名字,给每个聊天的人随机分配一个 private final List<String> names = List.of("刀白凤", "丁春秋", "马夫人", "马五德", "小翠", "于光豪", "巴天石", "不平道人", "邓百川", "风波恶", "甘宝宝", "公冶乾", "木婉清", "少林老僧", "太皇太后", "天狼子", "天山童姥", "王语嫣", "乌老大", "无崖子", "云岛主", "云中鹤", "止清", "白世镜", "包不同", "本参", "本观", "本相", "本因", "出尘子", "冯阿三", "兰剑", "古笃诚", "过彦之", "平婆婆", "石清露", "石嫂", "司空玄", "司马林", "玄慈", "玄寂", "玄苦", "玄难", "玄生", "玄痛", "叶二娘", "竹剑", "左子穆", "华赫艮", "乔峰", "李春来", "李傀儡", "李秋水", "刘竹庄", "朴者和尚", "祁六三", "全冠清", "阮星竹", "西夏宫女", "许卓诚", "朱丹臣", "努儿海", "阿碧", "阿洪", "阿胜", "阿朱", "阿紫", "波罗星", "陈孤雁", "鸠摩智", "来福儿", "孟师叔", "宋长老", "苏星河", "苏辙", "完颜阿古打", "耶律洪基", "耶律莫哥", "耶律涅鲁古", "耶律重元", "吴长风", "吴光胜", "吴领军", "辛双清", "严妈妈", "余婆婆", "岳老三", "张全祥", "单伯山", "单季山", "单叔山", "单小山", "单正", "段延庆", "段誉", "段正淳", "段正明", "范禹", "范百龄", "范骅", "苟读", "和里布", "何望海", "易大彪", "郁光标", "卓不凡", "宗赞王子", "哈大霸", "姜师叔", "枯荣长老", "梦姑", "姚伯当", "神山上人", "神音", "狮鼻子", "室里", "项长老", "幽草", "赵钱孙", "赵洵", "哲罗星", "钟灵", "钟万仇", "高升泰", "龚光杰", "贾老者", "康广陵", "秦红棉", "虚竹", "容子矩", "桑土公", "唐光雄", "奚长老", "徐长老", "诸保昆", "崔百泉", "崔绿华", "符敏仪", "黄眉和尚", "菊剑", "聋哑婆婆", "梅剑", "萧远山", "游骥", "游驹", "游坦之", "程青霜", "傅思归", "葛光佩", "缘根", "智光大师", "鲍千灵", "褚万里", "瑞婆婆", "端木元", "黎夫人", "薛慕华", "慕容博", "慕容复", "谭公", "谭婆", "谭青", "摘星子", "慧方", "慧观", "慧净", "慧真", "穆贵妃", "赫连铁树"); // 名字到连接的映射 private final Map<String, ChannelHandlerContext> name2ctx = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // 连接到名字的映射 private final Map<ChannelHandlerContext, String> ctx2name = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); @Override public void channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { // 先分配当前没有在使用中的名字 Optional<String> nameOp = names.stream().filter(x -> !name2ctx.containsKey(x)).findFirst(); if (!nameOp.isPresent()) { // 如果没分配到名字,直接断开连接,这么写的话,同时在线的人数取决于名字列表的大小 ctx.writeAndFlush(new TextWebSocketFrame("当前连接人数过多,请稍后重试!")); log.info("当前连接人数过多,请稍后重试!"); ctx.close(); return; } String name = nameOp.get(); name2ctx.put(name, ctx); ctx2name.put(ctx, name); broadcast(name + "加入了群聊!"); } @Override public void channelUnregistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { String name = ctx2name.getOrDefault(ctx, ""); name2ctx.remove(name); ctx2name.remove(ctx); broadcast(name + "离开了群聊!"); } @Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception { // 收到消息后将消息群发给所有人 if (frame instanceof TextWebSocketFrame) { String request = ((TextWebSocketFrame) frame).text(); String name = ctx2name.getOrDefault(ctx, ""); broadcast(name + ":" + request); } else { String message = "unsupported frame type: " + frame.getClass().getName(); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(message); } } /** * 将消息群发给所有在线的人 */ private void broadcast(String msg) { log.info("msg:{}", msg); name2ctx.entrySet().parallelStream().forEach(e -> { String name = e.getKey(); ChannelHandlerContext ctx = e.getValue(); if (ctx.channel().isActive()) { ctx.writeAndFlush(new TextWebSocketFrame(msg)); } else { // 广播时清理掉不活跃的连接 ctx2name.remove(ctx); name2ctx.remove(name); } }); } }
以上就是完整的代码了,有兴趣可以自己跑一跑,另外这个网络聊天室我已经部署的我的服务器上了,也可以直接点开体验下 http://xindoo.xyz:8083/。