在FL2440开发板和ubuntu12.10间搭建NFS,用mount命令挂载后,在开发板上文档管理器中查看不到挂载文件,在minicom中用ls 也看不到,但在PC LINUX终端中创建了个hello测试文件,在minicom下执行是能成功(同样ls也看不到该文件),反过来在minicom中用touch命令创建个文件,在PC LINUX上却能看到这个文件,那说明NFS是肯定是挂载成功了的吧?为何却在开发板上却看不到挂载目录中的文件呢?
“ SOLVED! There is some incompatibility between the very old NFS client version and the new server version. Specifying 'nfsvers=2' on the client (in the mount options) solves the problem. ”
man 5 nfs 查看了下nfsvers=n 的说明如下:
nfsvers=n The NFS protocol version number used to
contact the server's NFS service. If the
server does not support the requested ver‐
sion, the mount request fails. If this
option is not specified, the client negoti‐
ates a suitable version with the server,
trying version 4 first, version 3 second,
and version 2 last.
试到nfsvers=3 OK。
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