PolarDB的select,每次都扫描都是大几十万行,怎么处理?MySQL [domain_db]> select count() from user_train_list;
| count() |
| 1074992 |
1 row in set (0.163 sec)
MySQL [domain_db]> select count() from user_train_list where traintype = 1;
| count() |
| 1067965 |
1 row in set (0.190 sec)
MySQL [domain_db]> select count() from user_train_list where traintype = 1 and 2 > robTimes;
| count() |
| 932975 |
1 row in set (0.224 sec)
MySQL [domain_db]> select count() from user_train_list where traintype = 1 and arriveTime > 1720421130477;
| count() |
| 1062140 |
https://help.aliyun.com/zh/polardb/polardb-for-mysql/user-guide/imcis/?spm=a2c4g.11186623.0.0.14873033NibVeT 此回答整理自钉群“PolarDB 专家面对面 - 慢SQL索引选择优化器新特性”
阿里云关系型数据库主要有以下几种:RDS MySQL版、RDS PostgreSQL 版、RDS SQL Server 版、PolarDB MySQL版、PolarDB PostgreSQL 版、PolarDB分布式版 。