from aliyunsdkcore import client
from aliyunsdkrds.request.v20140815 import DescribeDBInstancesRequest
import json
ID = 'ID'
Secret = 'secret'
RegionId = 'cn-huhehaote'
clt = client.AcsClient(ID,Secret,RegionId)
DBInstanceIdList = []
DBInstanceIdDict = {}
ZabbixDataDict = {}
def GetRdsList():
RdsRequest = DescribeDBInstancesRequest.DescribeDBInstancesRequest()
#RdsInfo = clt.do_action(RdsRequest)
RdsInfo = clt.do_action_with_exception(RdsRequest)
for RdsInfoJson in (json.loads(RdsInfo))['Items']['DBInstance']:
DBInstanceIdDict = {}
DBInstanceIdDict["{#DBINSTANCEID}"] = RdsInfoJson['DBInstanceId']
DBInstanceIdDict["{#DBINSTANCEDESCRIPTION}"] = RdsInfoJson['DBInstanceDescription']
except Exception, e:
print Exception, ":", e
print "Please check the RDS alias !Alias must not be the same as DBInstanceId!!!"
ZabbixDataDict['data'] = DBInstanceIdList
print json.dumps(ZabbixDataDict)
from aliyunsdkcore import client
from aliyunsdkrds.request.v20140815 import DescribeResourceUsageRequest,DescribeDBInstancePerformanceRequest
import json,sys,datetime
ID = 'ID'
Secret = 'secret'
RegionId = 'cn-huhehaote'
clt = client.AcsClient(ID,Secret,RegionId)
Type = sys.argv[1]
DBInstanceId = sys.argv[2]
Key = sys.argv[3]
# 阿里云返回的数据为UTC时间,因此要转换为东八区时间。其他时区同理。
UTC_End = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(hours=8)
UTC_Start = UTC_End - datetime.timedelta(minutes=25)
StartTime = datetime.datetime.strftime(UTC_Start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ')
EndTime = datetime.datetime.strftime(UTC_End, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ')
def GetResourceUsage(DBInstanceId,Key):
ResourceUsage = DescribeResourceUsageRequest.DescribeResourceUsageRequest()
ResourceUsageInfo = clt.do_action_with_exception(ResourceUsage)
#print ResourceUsageInfo
Info = (json.loads(ResourceUsageInfo))[Key]
print Info
def GetPerformance(DBInstanceId,MasterKey,IndexNum,StartTime,EndTime):
Performance = DescribeDBInstancePerformanceRequest.DescribeDBInstancePerformanceRequest()
PerformanceInfo = clt.do_action_with_exception(Performance)
#print PerformanceInfo
Info = (json.loads(PerformanceInfo))
Value = Info['PerformanceKeys']['PerformanceKey'][0]['Values']['PerformanceValue'][-1]['Value']
print str(Value).split('&')[IndexNum]
if (Type == "Disk"):
GetResourceUsage(DBInstanceId, Key)
elif (Type == "Performance"):
if (Key == "MySQL_NetworkTraffic_In"):
IndexNum = 0
MasterKey = "MySQL_NetworkTraffic"
elif (Key == "MySQL_NetworkTraffic_Out"):
IndexNum = 1
MasterKey = "MySQL_NetworkTraffic"
elif (Key == "MySQL_QPS"):
IndexNum = 0
MasterKey = "MySQL_QPSTPS"
elif (Key == "MySQL_TPS"):
IndexNum = 1
MasterKey = "MySQL_QPSTPS"
elif (Key == "MySQL_Sessions_Active"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_Sessions"
IndexNum = 0
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "MySQL_Sessions_Totle"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_Sessions"
IndexNum = 1
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "ibuf_read_hit"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_InnoDBBufferRatio"
IndexNum = 0
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "ibuf_use_ratio"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_InnoDBBufferRatio"
IndexNum = 1
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "ibuf_dirty_ratio"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_InnoDBBufferRatio"
IndexNum = 2
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "inno_data_read"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_InnoDBDataReadWriten"
IndexNum = 0
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "inno_data_written"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_InnoDBDataReadWriten"
IndexNum = 1
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "ibuf_request_r"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_InnoDBLogRequests"
IndexNum = 0
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "ibuf_request_w"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_InnoDBLogRequests"
IndexNum = 1
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "Innodb_log_write_requests"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_InnoDBLogWrites"
IndexNum = 0
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "Innodb_log_writes"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_InnoDBLogWrites"
IndexNum = 1
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "Innodb_os_log_fsyncs"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_InnoDBLogWrites"
IndexNum = 2
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "tb_tmp_disk"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_TempDiskTableCreates"
IndexNum = 0
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
#MyISAM平均每秒Key Buffer利用率
elif (Key == "Key_usage_ratio"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_MyISAMKeyBufferRatio"
IndexNum = 0
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
#MyISAM平均每秒Key Buffer读命中率
elif (Key == "Key_read_hit_ratio"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_MyISAMKeyBufferRatio"
IndexNum = 1
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
#MyISAM平均每秒Key Buffer写命中率
elif (Key == "Key_write_hit_ratio"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_MyISAMKeyBufferRatio"
IndexNum = 2
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "myisam_keyr_r"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_MyISAMKeyReadWrites"
IndexNum = 0
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "myisam_keyr_w"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_MyISAMKeyReadWrites"
IndexNum = 1
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "myisam_keyr"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_MyISAMKeyReadWrites"
IndexNum = 2
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "myisam_keyw"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_MyISAMKeyReadWrites"
IndexNum = 3
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "com_delete"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_COMDML"
IndexNum = 0
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "com_insert"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_COMDML"
IndexNum = 1
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "com_insert_select"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_COMDML"
IndexNum = 2
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "com_replace"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_COMDML"
IndexNum = 3
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "com_replace_select"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_COMDML"
IndexNum = 4
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "com_select"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_COMDML"
IndexNum = 5
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "com_update"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_COMDML"
IndexNum = 6
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "inno_row_readed"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_RowDML"
IndexNum = 0
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "inno_row_update"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_RowDML"
IndexNum = 1
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "inno_row_delete"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_RowDML"
IndexNum = 2
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "inno_row_insert"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_RowDML"
IndexNum = 3
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "Inno_log_writes"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_RowDML"
IndexNum = 4
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "cpuusage"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_MemCpuUsage"
IndexNum = 0
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "memusage"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_MemCpuUsage"
IndexNum = 1
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "io"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_IOPS"
IndexNum = 0
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "ins_size"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_DetailedSpaceUsage"
IndexNum = 0
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "data_size"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_DetailedSpaceUsage"
IndexNum = 1
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "log_size"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_DetailedSpaceUsage"
IndexNum = 2
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "tmp_size"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_DetailedSpaceUsage"
IndexNum = 3
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
elif (Key == "other_size"):
MasterKey = "MySQL_DetailedSpaceUsage"
IndexNum = 4
GetPerformance(DBInstanceId, MasterKey, IndexNum, StartTime, EndTime)
你好,我按照文档部署后,zabbix没有自动发现rds。直接执行脚本有报错,烦请问下这是为什呢? [root@fastdfs script]# ./check_rds.py ./check_rds.py: line 2: from: command not found ./check_rds.py: line 3: from: command not found import: unable to open X server ' @ error/import.c/ImportImageCommand/369. ./check_rds.py: line 6: ID: command not found ./check_rds.py: line 7: Secret: command not found ./check_rds.py: line 8: RegionId: command not found ./check_rds.py: line 10: syntax error near unexpected token
(' ./check_rds.py: line 10: `clt = client.AcsClient(ID,Secret,RegionId)'