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flink on yarn 执行wordCount报异常:找不到或不能加载主类

20/02/08 23:49:58 INFO client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at hadoop1/ Container: container_1581176588427_0001_01_000001 on hadoop1_38047 LogAggregationType: AGGREGATED

LogType:jobmanager.err LogLastModifiedTime:星期六 二月 08 23:43:43 +0800 2020 LogLength:101 LogContents: 错误: 找不到或无法加载主类 org.apache.flink.yarn.entrypoint.YarnSessionClusterEntrypoint

End of LogType:jobmanager.err

End of LogType:jobmanager.out

End of LogType:prelaunch.err

Container: container_1581176588427_0001_01_000001 on hadoop1_38047 LogAggregationType: AGGREGATED

LogType:prelaunch.out LogLastModifiedTime:星期六 二月 08 23:43:43 +0800 2020 LogLength:70 LogContents: Setting up env variables Setting up job resources Launching container

End of LogType:prelaunch.out

transformation 2020-02-08 23:53:45 4721 分享 版权
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  • 一般是环境变量配置有问题,建议检查classpath。也有可能是依赖的版本冲突导致实际加载的版本缺少部分类。

    2020-03-19 19:26:02
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