from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
radius = 100 #radius of circle
xpts = [] #array to hold x pts
ypts = [] #array to hold y pts
img = Image.new('RGB', (1000, 1000))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) #to use draw.line()
pixels = img.load()
d = (5/4) - radius
x = 0
y = radius
xpts.append(x) #initial x value
ypts.append(y) #initial y value
while x < y:
if d < 0:
d += (2*x + 3)
x += 1
xpts.append(x + 500) #translate points to center by 500px
ypts.append(y - 500)
d += (2 * (x - y) + 5)
x += 1
y -= 1
xpts.append(x + 500) #translate points to center by 500px
ypts.append(y - 500)
for i in range(len(xpts)): #draw initial and reflected octant points
pixels[xpts[i] ,ypts[i]] = (255,255,0) #initial octant
pixels[xpts[i],-ypts[i]] = (255,255,0)
pixels[-xpts[i],ypts[i]] = (255,255,0)
pixels[-xpts[i],-ypts[i]] = (255,255,0)
pixels[ypts[i],xpts[i]] = (255,255,0)
pixels[-ypts[i],xpts[i]] = (255,255,0)
pixels[ypts[i],-xpts[i]] = (255,255,0)
pixels[-ypts[i],-xpts[i]] = (255,255,0)
为了填充它,我计划使用ImageDraw在圆中水平地画一条线,从使用draw.line()从初始八分仪生成的每个点开始。我将x和y坐标存储在数组中。但是,我无法解释每个点及其反射点,无法使用draw.line()来绘制水平线。有人能澄清一下吗? 问题来源StackOverflow 地址:/questions/59382988/filling-a-circle-produced-by-midpoint-algorithm
您不需要绘制单独的像素,只需添加一条线来连接彼此对应的像素(-x和+x或-y和+y)。对于每一步,你画四条线(每条线连接两个八分区)。 下面是经过调整的示例代码。我放弃了点数组,而是直接画线。我还添加了定义圆中心的cx和cy变量。在代码中,有时会使用负索引。这只是巧合,因为圆在中间:
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
radius = 100 # radius of circle
xpts = [] # array to hold x pts
ypts = [] # array to hold y pts
img = Image.new('RGB', (1000, 1000))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) # to use draw.line()
pixels = img.load()
d = (5 / 4) - radius
x = 0
y = radius
cx = 500
cy = 500
def draw_scanlines(x, y):
color = (255, 255, 0)
draw.line((cx - x, cy + y, cx + x, cy + y), fill=color)
draw.line((cx - x, cy - y, cx + x, cy - y), fill=color)
draw.line((cx - y, cy + x, cx + y, cy + x), fill=color)
draw.line((cx - y, cy - x, cx + y, cy - x), fill=color)
draw_scanlines(x, y)
while x < y:
if d < 0:
d += (2 * x + 3)
x += 1
d += (2 * (x - y) + 5)
x += 1
y -= 1
draw_scanlines(x, y)
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