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表格存储 ProtocolBuffer 消息定义(三)

/* ######################################################################################################### */
/* #############################################  BatchWriteRow  ############################################# */
enum OperationType {
    PUT = 1;
    UPDATE = 2;
    DELETE = 3;
message RowInBatchWriteRowRequest {
    required OperationType type = 1;
    required bytes row_change = 2; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet
    required Condition condition = 3;
    optional ReturnContent return_content = 4;
message TableInBatchWriteRowRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated RowInBatchWriteRowRequest rows = 2;
message BatchWriteRowRequest {
    repeated TableInBatchWriteRowRequest tables = 1;
message RowInBatchWriteRowResponse {
    required bool is_ok = 1;
    optional Error error = 2;
    optional ConsumedCapacity consumed = 3;
    optional bytes row = 4;
message TableInBatchWriteRowResponse {
    required string table_name = 1;
    repeated RowInBatchWriteRowResponse rows = 2;
message BatchWriteRowResponse {
    repeated TableInBatchWriteRowResponse tables = 1;
/* ########################################################################################################### */
/* #############################################  GetRange  ############################################# */
enum Direction {
    FORWARD = 0;
    BACKWARD = 1;
message GetRangeRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required Direction direction = 2;
    repeated string columns_to_get = 3;  // 不指定则读出所有的列
    optional TimeRange time_range = 4;
    optional int32 max_versions = 5;
    optional int32 limit = 6;
    required bytes inclusive_start_primary_key = 7; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet, but only has primary key
    required bytes exclusive_end_primary_key = 8; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet, but only has primary key
    optional bytes filter = 10;
    optional string start_column = 11;
    optional string end_column = 12;
    optional bytes token = 13;
message GetRangeResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    required bytes rows = 2; // encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet
    optional bytes next_start_primary_key = 3; // 若为空,则代表数据全部读取完毕. encoded as InplaceRowChangeSet, but only has primary key
    optional bytes next_token = 4;
/* ####################  ComputeSplitPointsBySize  #################### */
message ComputeSplitPointsBySizeRequest {
    required string table_name = 1;
    required int64 split_size = 2; // in 100MB
message ComputeSplitPointsBySizeResponse {
    required ConsumedCapacity consumed = 1;
    repeated PrimaryKeySchema schema = 2;
     * Split points between splits, in the increasing order
     * A split is a consecutive range of primary keys,
     * whose data size is about split_size specified in the request.
     * The size could be hard to be precise.
     * A split point is an array of primary-key column w.r.t. table schema,
     * which is never longer than that of table schema.
     * Tailing -inf will be omitted to reduce transmission payloads.
    repeated bytes split_points = 3;
     * Locations where splits lies in.
     * By the managed nature of TableStore, these locations are no more than hints.
     * If a location is not suitable to be seen, an empty string will be placed.
     message SplitLocation {
         required string location = 1;
         required sint64 repeat = 2;
     repeated SplitLocation locations = 4;

云栖大讲堂 2017-10-25 14:29:32 1895 0
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