10046 trace
玩转跟踪不了解跟踪级别是不行的,下面介绍 Oracle 可采用的跟踪接口:
Level 0 = No statistics generated
Level 1 = standard trace output including parsing, executes and fetches plus more.
Level 2 = Same as level 1.
Level 4 = Same as level 1 but includes bind information
Level 8 = Same as level 1 but includes wait's information
Level 12 = Same as level 1 but includes binds and waits
AI 代码解读
1 使用ORADEBUG跟踪当前会话
oradebug 跟踪 SYS 用户的当前 SESSION,如下方式:
sys@MAA> oradebug setmypid
sys@MAA> oradebug unlimit
sys@MAA> oradebug event 10046 trace name context forever, level 12
sys@MAA> exec our code
sys@MAA> oradebug event 10046 trace name context off
sys@MAA> oradebug tracefile_name
AI 代码解读
2 使用ORADEBUG跟踪其他会话
通过 oradebug 非常方便地跟踪其他会话,如下方式:
---- 查出session信息
luocs@MAA> select pid, spid from v$process p, v$session s where p.addr = s.paddr and s.
sid=(select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1);
---------- ------------------------------------------------
25 17678
AI 代码解读
----指定跟踪 SESSION 的 SPID(OS process)
sys@MAA> oradebug setospid 17678
Oracle pid: 25, Unix process pid: 17678, image: oracle@maa3.luocs.com (TNS V1-V3)
AI 代码解读
----或者指定跟踪 SESSION 的 PID(Oracle process ID)
sys@MAA> oradebug setorapid 25
Oracle pid: 25, Unix process pid: 17678, image: oracle@maa3.luocs.com (TNS V1-V3)
AI 代码解读
sys@MAA> oradebug unlimit
sys@MAA> oradebug event 10046 trace name context forever, level 12
sys@MAA> exec our code <<在跟踪的会话执行sql
sys@MAA> oradebug event 10046 trace name context off
sys@MAA> oradebug tracefile_name
AI 代码解读
tkprof 格式化输出
tkprof tracefile outfile [explain=user/password]
AI 代码解读
luocs@MAA> set autotrace on
luocs@MAA> set autotrace on explain
luocs@MAA> set autotrace on statistics
luocs@MAA> set autotrace traceonly
luocs@MAA> set autotrace traceonly explain
luocs@MAA> set autotrace traceonly explain statistics
luocs@MAA> set autotrace off
luocs@MAA> set autot trace exp stat
AI 代码解读
10053 EVENTS
luocs@MAA> alter session set events '10053 trace name context forever, level 1';
luocs@MAA> alter session set events '10053 trace name context off';
sys@MAA> oradebug event 10053 trace name context forever, level 1
sys@MAA> oradebug event 10053 trace name context off
AI 代码解读