Spring Cloud升级之路 - Hoxton - 9. 针对网关非 Get 请求的重试

简介: Spring Cloud升级之路 - Hoxton - 9. 针对网关非 Get 请求的重试

针对网关非 Get 请求的重试

在之前的系列里面Spring Cloud升级之路 - Hoxton - 5. 实现微服务调用重试,我们针对 OpenFeign 和 Spring Cloud Gateway 都设置了重试。

对于 OpenFeign:

  • Get请求:任何非200 响应码,任何异常,都会重试。
  • 非 Get 请求:任何IOException(除了SocketTimeOutException,这个是read time out 导致的),还有 redilience 断路器异常,都会重试,其他的都不重试。

对于 Spring Cloud Gateway:

  • Get请求:任何4XX,5XX响应码,任何异常,都会重试。

现在,我们需要实现针对于 Spring Cloud Gateway 的非 Get 请求的任何IOException(除了SocketTimeOutException,这个是read time out 导致的),还有 redilience 断路器异常进行重试,Get因为请求并没有真正发出去。


目前在 Spring Cloud Gateway 的 RetryFilterFactory,无法实现针对 Get 和非 Get 对于不同的异常进行不同的重试:


public class RetryGatewayFilterFactory
    extends AbstractGatewayFilterFactory<RetryGatewayFilterFactory.RetryConfig> {
   * Retry iteration key.ServerWebExchange的某个Attribute的key
   * 这个Attribute用来在每次调用的时候,+1,看是否超过了重试次数
  public static final String RETRY_ITERATION_KEY = "retry_iteration";
  public RetryGatewayFilterFactory() {
  public GatewayFilter apply(RetryConfig retryConfig) {
    Repeat<ServerWebExchange> statusCodeRepeat = null;
    if (!retryConfig.getStatuses().isEmpty() || !retryConfig.getSeries().isEmpty()) {
      Predicate<RepeatContext<ServerWebExchange>> repeatPredicate = context -> {
        ServerWebExchange exchange = context.applicationContext();
        if (exceedsMaxIterations(exchange, retryConfig)) {
          return false;
        HttpStatus statusCode = exchange.getResponse().getStatusCode();
        boolean retryableStatusCode = retryConfig.getStatuses()
        if (!retryableStatusCode && statusCode != null) { 
          // try the series
          retryableStatusCode = retryConfig.getSeries().stream()
              .anyMatch(series -> statusCode.series().equals(series));
        final boolean finalRetryableStatusCode = retryableStatusCode;
        HttpMethod httpMethod = exchange.getRequest().getMethod();
        boolean retryableMethod = retryConfig.getMethods().contains(httpMethod);
        return retryableMethod && finalRetryableStatusCode;
      statusCodeRepeat = Repeat.onlyIf(repeatPredicate)
          .doOnRepeat(context -> reset(context.applicationContext()));
      BackoffConfig backoff = retryConfig.getBackoff();
      if (backoff != null) {
        statusCodeRepeat = statusCodeRepeat.backoff(getBackoff(backoff));
    // TODO: support timeout, backoff, jitter, etc... in Builder
    Retry<ServerWebExchange> exceptionRetry = null;
    if (!retryConfig.getExceptions().isEmpty()) {
      Predicate<RetryContext<ServerWebExchange>> retryContextPredicate = context -> {
        ServerWebExchange exchange = context.applicationContext();
        if (exceedsMaxIterations(exchange, retryConfig)) {
          return false;
        Throwable exception = context.exception();
        for (Class<? extends Throwable> retryableClass : retryConfig
            .getExceptions()) {
          if (retryableClass.isInstance(exception) || (exception != null
              && retryableClass.isInstance(exception.getCause()))) {
            trace("exception or its cause is retryable %s, configured exceptions %s",
                () -> getExceptionNameWithCause(exception),
            HttpMethod httpMethod = exchange.getRequest().getMethod();
            boolean retryableMethod = retryConfig.getMethods()
            trace("retryableMethod: %b, httpMethod %s, configured methods %s",
                () -> retryableMethod, () -> httpMethod,
            return retryableMethod;
        trace("exception or its cause is not retryable %s, configured exceptions %s",
            () -> getExceptionNameWithCause(exception),
        return false;
      exceptionRetry = Retry.onlyIf(retryContextPredicate)
          .doOnRetry(context -> reset(context.applicationContext()))
      BackoffConfig backoff = retryConfig.getBackoff();
      if (backoff != null) {
        exceptionRetry = exceptionRetry.backoff(getBackoff(backoff));
    GatewayFilter gatewayFilter = apply(retryConfig.getRouteId(), statusCodeRepeat,
    return new GatewayFilter() {
      public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange,
          GatewayFilterChain chain) {
        return gatewayFilter.filter(exchange, chain);
      public String toString() {
        return filterToStringCreator(RetryGatewayFilterFactory.this)
            .append("retries", retryConfig.getRetries())
            .append("series", retryConfig.getSeries())
            .append("statuses", retryConfig.getStatuses())
            .append("methods", retryConfig.getMethods())
            .append("exceptions", retryConfig.getExceptions()).toString();
  private String getExceptionNameWithCause(Throwable exception) {
    if (exception != null) {
      StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(exception.getClass().getName());
      Throwable cause = exception.getCause();
      if (cause != null) {
      return builder.toString();
    else {
      return "null";
  private Backoff getBackoff(BackoffConfig backoff) {
    return Backoff.exponential(backoff.firstBackoff, backoff.maxBackoff,
        backoff.factor, backoff.basedOnPreviousValue);
  public boolean exceedsMaxIterations(ServerWebExchange exchange,
      RetryConfig retryConfig) {
    Integer iteration = exchange.getAttribute(RETRY_ITERATION_KEY);
    boolean exceeds = iteration != null && iteration >= retryConfig.getRetries();
    return exceeds;
  public void reset(ServerWebExchange exchange) {
    Set<String> addedHeaders = exchange.getAttributeOrDefault(
        CLIENT_RESPONSE_HEADER_NAMES, Collections.emptySet());
        .forEach(header -> exchange.getResponse().getHeaders().remove(header));
  public GatewayFilter apply(String routeId, Repeat<ServerWebExchange> repeat,
      Retry<ServerWebExchange> retry) {
    if (routeId != null && getPublisher() != null) {
      // send an event to enable caching
      getPublisher().publishEvent(new EnableBodyCachingEvent(this, routeId));
    return (exchange, chain) -> {
      trace("Entering retry-filter");
      // chain.filter returns a Mono<Void>
      Publisher<Void> publisher = chain.filter(exchange)
          // .log("retry-filter", Level.INFO)
          .doOnSuccessOrError((aVoid, throwable) -> {
            int iteration = exchange
                .getAttributeOrDefault(RETRY_ITERATION_KEY, -1);
            int newIteration = iteration + 1;
            trace("setting new iteration in attr %d", () -> newIteration);
            exchange.getAttributes().put(RETRY_ITERATION_KEY, newIteration);
      if (retry != null) {
        // retryWhen returns a Mono<Void>
        // retry needs to go before repeat
        publisher = ((Mono<Void>) publisher)
      if (repeat != null) {
        // repeatWhen returns a Flux<Void>
        // so this needs to be last and the variable a Publisher<Void>
        publisher = ((Mono<Void>) publisher)
      return Mono.fromDirect(publisher);
  public static class RetryConfig implements HasRouteId {
    private String routeId;
    private int retries = 3;
    private List<Series> series = toList(Series.SERVER_ERROR);
    private List<HttpStatus> statuses = new ArrayList<>();
    private List<HttpMethod> methods = toList(HttpMethod.GET);
    private List<Class<? extends Throwable>> exceptions = toList(IOException.class,
    private BackoffConfig backoff;
        public void validate() {
      Assert.isTrue(this.retries > 0, "retries must be greater than 0");
          !this.series.isEmpty() || !this.statuses.isEmpty()
              || !this.exceptions.isEmpty(),
          "series, status and exceptions may not all be empty");
      Assert.notEmpty(this.methods, "methods may not be empty");
      if (this.backoff != null) {
  public static class BackoffConfig {
    private Duration firstBackoff = Duration.ofMillis(5);
    private Duration maxBackoff;
    private int factor = 2;
    private boolean basedOnPreviousValue = true;
    public void validate() {
      Assert.notNull(this.firstBackoff, "firstBackoff must be present");


  1. 判断本次请求 HTTP 方法是否被 RetryConfig.methods 包含和 HTTP 响应码是否在 RetryConfig.series 的范围内或者 statuses 的集合内,如果在,看本次请求的 retry_iteration 这个 Attribute 是第几次(从0开始),是否超过了重试次数,如果没超过,就重试,如果超过,停止重试。
  2. 判断本次请求 HTTP 方法是否被 RetryConfig.methods 包含和 异常是否在 RetryConfig.exceptions 的集合内(是其中的某个异常的子类也可以),如果在,看本次请求的 retry_iteration 这个 Attribute 是第几次(从0开始),是否超过了重试次数,如果没超过,就重试,如果超过,停止重试。

配置的时候,HTTP 方法如果包含所有方法,那么没办法区分 GET 请求或者是 非 GET 请求;如果建立两个 Filter 一个拦截 GET 另一个拦截 非GET,那么他们共用的 Attribute 每次就会 +2,重试次数就不准确了。

所以,最后使用了这样一个不优雅的设计,就是 GET 和非 GET 使用不同的 RetryConfig,GET 的还是根据application.properties配置来,针对非 GET 请求,强制重试下面这些异常:

  • io.netty.channel.ConnectTimeoutException.class:连接超时
  • java.net.ConnectException.class:No route to host 异常
  • io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CallNotPermittedException: resilience4j 断路器相关异常


    public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, GatewayFilterChain chain) {
        ServerHttpRequest request = exchange.getRequest();
        String serviceName = request.getHeaders().getFirst(CommonConstant.SERVICE_NAME);
        HttpMethod method = exchange.getRequest().getMethod();
        //生成 GatewayFilter,保存到 gatewayFilterMap
        GatewayFilter gatewayFilter = gatewayFilterMap.computeIfAbsent(serviceName + ":" + method, k -> {
            Map<String, RetryConfig> retryConfigMap = apiGatewayRetryConfig.getRetry();
            RetryConfig retryConfig = retryConfigMap.containsKey(serviceName) ? retryConfigMap.get(serviceName) : apiGatewayRetryConfig.getDefault();
            if (retryConfig.getRetries() == 0) {
                return null;
            if (!HttpMethod.GET.equals(method)) {
                RetryConfig newConfig = new RetryConfig();
                BeanUtils.copyProperties(retryConfig, newConfig);
                        //No route to host
                retryConfig = newConfig;
            return this.apply(retryConfig);
        return gatewayFilter != null ? gatewayFilter.filter(exchange, chain) : chain.filter(exchange);
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