3调用我们服务器的接口 换取项目中的城市信息
import React from 'react' import axios from 'axios' //留白 import { Carousel, Flex, Grid, WingBlank } from 'antd-mobile' import Nav1 from '../../assets/images/nav-1.png' import Nav2 from '../../assets/images/nav-2.png' import Nav3 from '../../assets/images/nav-3.png' import Nav4 from '../../assets/images/nav-4.png' import Body1 from '../../assets/images/1.png' import Body2 from '../../assets/images/2.png' import Body3 from '../../assets/images/3.png' import Body4 from '../../assets/images/4.png' //导入样式 import './index.scss' const navs = [ { id: 1, img: Nav1, title: '整租', path: '/home/list', }, { id: 2, img: Nav2, title: '合租', path: '/home/list', }, { id: 3, img: Nav3, title: '地图找房', path: '/home/list', }, { id: 4, img: Nav4, title: '去出租', path: '/home/list', }, ] const data = Array.from(new Array(4)).map((_val, i) => ({ icon: `Body${i + 1}`, text: `name${i}`, })) // navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(position=>{ // console.log("当前信息位置1",position) // }) // 轮播图不会自动播放 数据返回过来的时候高度不够 数据加载前后数据的问题 class Index extends React.Component { state = { data: ['1', '2', '3'], imgHeight: 212, isSwiperLoding: false, groups: [], swiper: [], news: [], curCityName:"苏州" } componentDidMount() { // simulate img loading this.getGroups() this.getSwipers() this.getNews() setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ data: [ 'AiyWuByWklrrUDlFignR', 'TekJlZRVCjLFexlOCuWn', 'IJOtIlfsYdTyaDTRVrLI', ], isSwiperLoding: true, }) }, 100) //通过ip定位获取当前城市名称 const curCity=new window.BMapGL.LocalCity() curCity.get(async res=>{ console.log("当前城市信息:",res) const result=await axios.get(`http://localhost:8080/area/info?name=${res}`) console.log(result,"result") this.setState({ curCityName:result.data.body.label }) }) } // 获取最新资讯 async getNews() { const res = await axios.get( 'http://localhost:8080/home/news?area=AREA%7C88cff55c-aaa4-e2e0' ) console.log('最新资讯数据为:', res) this.setState({ news: res.data.body, }) } async getSwipers() { const res = await axios.get('http://localhost:8080/home/swiper') console.log('轮播如数据为:', res) this.setState({ swiper: res.data.body, }) } async getGroups() { const res = await axios.get('http://localhost:8080/home/groups', { params: { area: 'AREA%7C88cff55c-aaa4-e2e0', }, }) console.log('小组数据为:', res) this.setState({ groups: res.data.body, }) } //渲染轮播图的方法 renderSwipers() { return this.state.swiper.map((val) => ( <a key={val.id} href="http://www.alipay.com" style={{ display: 'inline-block', width: '100%', height: this.state.imgHeight, }} > <img src={`http://localhost:8080${val.imgSrc}`} alt="" style={{ width: '100%', verticalAlign: 'top' }} onLoad={() => { // fire window resize event to change height window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')) this.setState({ imgHeight: 'auto' }) }} /> )) } //渲染最新资讯 renderNews() { console.log(this.state.news, 'newsssss') return this.state.news.map((item) => ( className="img" src={`http://localhost:8080${item.imgSrc}`} alt="" /> </div> <Flex className="content" direction="column" justify="between"> <h3 className="title">{item.title}</h3> <Flex className="info" justify="between"> <pan>{item.from}</pan> <pan>{item.date}</pan> </Flex> </Flex> </div> )) } //渲染导航菜单 renderNavs() { return navs.map((item) => ( <Flex.Item key={item.id} onClick={() => { this.props.history.push(item.path) }} > <img src={item.img} alt="" /> <h2>{item.title}</h2> </Flex.Item> )) } //渲染资讯 render() { return ( //留白 WingBlank <div className="index"> <div className="swiper"> {this.state.isSwiperLoding === true ? ( <Carousel //自动播放 autoplay={true} infinite // beforeChange={(from, to) => console.log(`slide from ${from} to ${to}`)} // afterChange={index => console.log('slide to', index)} > {this.renderSwipers()} </Carousel> ) : ( '' )} {/* 搜索框 */} <Flex className="search-box"> {/* 左侧白色区域 */} <Flex className="search"> {/* 位置 */} <div className="location" onClick={() => this.props.history.push('/citylist') } > <span className="name">{this.state.curCityName}</span> <i className="iconfont icon-arrow" /> </div> {/* 搜索表单 */} <div className="form" onClick={() => this.props.history.push('/search') } > <i className="iconfont icon-seach" /> <span className="text">请输入小区或地址</span> </div> </Flex> {/* 右侧地图图标 */} <i className="iconfont icon-map" onClick={() => this.props.history.push('/map')} /> </Flex> </div> <Flex square={false} className="nav"> {this.renderNavs()} </Flex> {/* 租房小组 */} <div className="group"> <h3 className="group-title"> 租房小组:<span className="more">更多</span> </h3> {/* 宫格组件 */} <Grid data={this.state.groups} columnNum={2} square={false} hasLine={false} renderItem={(item) => ( <Flex className="group-item" justify="around" key={item.id} > <div className="desc"> <p className="title">{item.title}</p> <span className="info">{item.desc}</span> </div> <img src={`http://localhost:8080${item.imgSrc}`} alt='好客租房130-获取顶部导航信息_ios_02' /> )} /> 最新资讯 {this.renderNews()} ) } } export default Index