Failed to bind properties under 'myapp.mail.enabled' to java.lang.Boolean: Property: myapp.mail.enabled Value: foo Origin: class path resource []:1:20 Reason: failed to convert java.lang.String to java.lang.Boolean
当我们为属性配置错误的值时,而又不希望 Spring Boot 应用启动失败,我们可以设置 ignoreInvalidFields
属性为 true (默认为 false)
Binding to target [Bindable@cf65451 type =, value = 'provided', annotations = array<Annotation>[, prefix=myapp.mail, ignoreInvalidFields=false, ignoreUnknownFields=false)]] failed: Property: myapp.mail.unknown-property Value: foo Origin: class path resource []:3:29 Reason: The elements [myapp.mail.unknown-property] were left unbound.