That command depends on command in Target 'XXX': script phase “[CP] Copy Pods Resourc 报错解决方法

简介: That command depends on command in Target 'XXX': script phase “[CP] Copy Pods Resourc 报错解决方法

选中项目target -> Build phase -> Copy Pods Resources -> Output Files -> 移除


JavaScript Unix Linux
⨯ cannot execute cause=fork/exec...pnpm\bin\pnpm.cjs: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
⨯ cannot execute cause=fork/exec...pnpm\bin\pnpm.cjs: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
615 0
Linux iOS开发 MacOS
pnpm全局安装报错:Run “pnpm setup“ to create it automatically, or set the global-bin-dir setting, or the PN
pnpm全局安装报错:Run “pnpm setup“ to create it automatically, or set the global-bin-dir setting, or the PN
2089 0
CMake Error: The source “xxx“ does not match the source “yyy“ used to generate cache. Re-run cmake
CMake Error: The source “xxx“ does not match the source “yyy“ used to generate cache. Re-run cmake
958 0
No rule to make target ‘.xxxxxxxx‘, needed by ‘debug/xxxx.cpp‘. Stop.
No rule to make target ‘.xxxxxxxx‘, needed by ‘debug/xxxx.cpp‘. Stop.
“Could not determine which ”make“ command to run. Check the ”make“ step in the build configuration.”
“Could not determine which ”make“ command to run. Check the ”make“ step in the build configuration.”
Kubernetes 网络协议 Perl
k8s Failed to create pod sandbox: open /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf: no such file or directory
k8s Failed to create pod sandbox: open /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf: no such file or directory
424 0
Gulp zsh: command not found: gulp
Gulp zsh: command not found: gulp
159 0
Java Maven
Error running ‘ssm [clean]‘: No valid Maven installation found. Either set the home directory in the
Error running ‘ssm [clean]‘: No valid Maven installation found. Either set the home directory in the
130 0
svn: E155004: There are unfinished work items in ‘D:\workspace\xxx‘; run ‘svn cleanup‘ firs
svn: E155004: There are unfinished work items in ‘D:\workspace\xxx‘; run ‘svn cleanup‘ firs
169 0
svn: E155004: There are unfinished work items in ‘D:\workspace\xxx‘; run ‘svn cleanup‘ firs
网络安全 开发工具
【解决方案】A session ended very soon after starting. Check that the command in profile “XXX” is correct.
【解决方案】A session ended very soon after starting. Check that the command in profile “XXX” is correct.
1072 0
【解决方案】A session ended very soon after starting. Check that the command in profile “XXX” is correct.