
简介: fs-extra是fs的一个扩展,提供了非常多的便利API,并且继承了fs所有方法和为fs方法添加了promise的支持。

7 解构出的Api


import type { ProxyOptions } from 'vite';
import { InjectionKey, Ref } from 'vue';
import { createContext, useContext } from '/@/hooks/core/useContext';
export interface AppProviderContextProps {
  prefixCls: Ref<string>;
  isMobile: Ref<boolean>;
const key: InjectionKey<AppProviderContextProps> = Symbol();
export function createAppProviderContext(context: AppProviderContextProps) {
  return createContext<AppProviderContextProps>(context, key);
export function useAppProviderContext() {
  return useContext<AppProviderContextProps>(key);
import type { CSSProperties, PropType } from 'vue';
import type { FunctionalComponent, CSSProperties } from 'vue';
const menuManager: {
  domList: Element[];
  resolve: Fn;
} = {
  domList: [],
  resolve: () => {},
const propsData: Partial<ContextMenuProps> = {};
const propsData: Partial<ContextMenuProps> = {};
let timerId: ReturnType<typeof setInterval> | null;
import type { CSSProperties } from 'vue';
import { useAttrs } from '/@/hooks/core/useAttrs';
import type { Directive, App } from 'vue';
const loadingDirective: Directive = {
  mounted(el, binding) {
    const tip = el.getAttribute('loading-tip');
    const background = el.getAttribute('loading-background');
    const size = el.getAttribute('loading-size');
    const fullscreen = !!binding.modifiers.fullscreen;
    const instance = createLoading(
        size: size || 'large',
        loading: !!binding.value,
        absolute: !fullscreen,
      fullscreen ? document.body : el
    el.instance = instance;
  updated(el, binding) {
    const instance = el.instance;
    if (!instance) return;
    if (binding.oldValue !== binding.value) {
      if (binding.oldValue !== binding.value) {
        instance.setLoading?.(binding.value && !instance.loading);
  unmounted(el) {
const mounted = (el: Element, binding: DirectiveBinding<any>) => {
  isAuth(el, binding);
import type { InjectionKey, ComputedRef, Ref } from 'vue';
import { createContext, useContext } from '/@/hooks/core/useContext';
export interface PageContextProps {
  contentHeight: ComputedRef<number>;
  pageHeight: Ref<number>;
  setPageHeight: (height: number) => Promise<void>;
const key: InjectionKey<PageContextProps> = Symbol();
export function createPageContext(context: PageContextProps) {
  return createContext<PageContextProps>(context, key, { native: true });
export function usePageContext() {
  return useContext<PageContextProps>(key);
export function entries<T>(obj: Recordable<T>): [string, T][] {
  return Object.keys(obj).map((key: string) => [key, obj[key]]);

8 公共函数


export function isDevFn(mode: string): boolean {
  return mode === 'development';


 * @description 转换从 .env 文件中获取的对象
 * @author wfd
 * @date 2021/10/8 09:30
 * @param envConf
export function wrapperEnv(envConf: Recordable): ViteEnv {
  // 创建一个对象来存储转换的键值
  const ret: any = {};
   * @description wrapperEnv
   * @author wfd
   * @date 2021/10/8 14:19
   * @example
   * Object.keys(envConf) = [
  for (const envName of Object.keys(envConf)) {
     * @description
       realName 是每一个配置对应的 value
       console.log('asda\\\n\\n\n'.replace(/\n/g, '\n')) =>asda\ [回车\n] \n [回车\n]
       console.log('asda\\\n\\n\n'.replace(/\\n/g, '\n'))=>asda\ [回车\n] [回车\n] [回车\n]
       console.log('asda\\\n\\n\n'.replace(/\\\n/g, '\n'))=>asda [回车\n] \n [回车\n]
    let realName = envConf[envName].replace(/\\n/g, '\n');
    // 将 'true' 或者 'false' 的字符串转换为 boolean 对应的 true 或者 false
    realName = realName === 'true' ? true : realName === 'false' ? false : realName;
    // 端口转换成 number 类型
    if (envName === 'VITE_PORT') {
      realName = Number(realName);
    // 将代理配置转换成数组
    if (envName === 'VITE_PROXY' && realName) {
      try {
        realName = JSON.parse(realName.replace(/'/g, '"'));
      } catch (error) {
        realName = '';
    // 将转换后的属性值 realName 赋值给 ret 对应的每一个键
    ret[envName] = realName;
    // 将原始的值也就是未转换的值赋值给 process.env
    if (typeof realName === 'string') {
      process.env[envName] = realName;
    } else if (typeof realName === 'object') {
      process.env[envName] = JSON.stringify(realName);
  return ret;


 * 获取当前环境下生效的配置文件名
function getConfFiles() {
  const script = process.env.npm_lifecycle_script;
  const reg = new RegExp('--mode ([a-z]+)');
  const result = reg.exec(script as string) as any;
  if (result) {
    const mode = result[1] as string;
    return ['.env', `.env.${mode}`];
  return ['.env', '.env.production'];


export function getEnvConfig(match = 'VITE_GLOB_', confFiles = getConfFiles()) {
  let envConfig = {};
  confFiles.forEach((item) => {
    try {
      const env = dotenv.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), item)));
      envConfig = { ...envConfig, ...env };
    } catch (e) {
      console.error(`Error in parsing ${item}`, e);
  const reg = new RegExp(`^(${match})`);
  Object.keys(envConfig).forEach((key) => {
    if (!reg.test(key)) {
      Reflect.deleteProperty(envConfig, key);
  return envConfig;


export function resultSuccess<T = Recordable>(result: T, { message = 'ok' } = {}) {
  return {
    code: 0,
    type: 'success',


export function resultPageSuccess<T = any>(
  page: number,
  pageSize: number,
  list: T[],
  { message = 'ok' } = {}
) {
  const pageData = pagination(page, pageSize, list);
  return {
      items: pageData,
      total: list.length,


export function resultError(message = 'Request failed', { code = -1, result = null } = {}) {
  return {
    type: 'error',


export function pagination<T = any>(pageNo: number, pageSize: number, array: T[]): T[] {
  const offset = (pageNo - 1) * Number(pageSize);
  const ret =
    offset + Number(pageSize) >= array.length
      ? array.slice(offset, array.length)
      : array.slice(offset, offset + Number(pageSize));
  return ret;


export interface requestParams {
  method: string;
  body: any;
  headers?: { authorization?: string };
  query: any;


 * @description 本函数用于从request数据中获取token,请根据项目的实际情况修改
export function getRequestToken({ headers }: requestParams): string | undefined {
  return headers?.authorization;


export function getRootPath(...dir: string[]) {
  return path.resolve(process.cwd(), ...dir);


export const withInstall = <T>(component: T, alias?: string) => {
  const comp = component as any;
  comp.install = (app: App) => {
    app.component( || comp.displayName, component);
    if (alias) {
      app.config.globalProperties[alias] = component;
  return component as T & Plugin;


 * 判断是否 十六进制颜色值.
 * 输入形式可为 #fff000 #f00
 * @param   String  color   十六进制颜色值
 * @return  Boolean
export function isHexColor(color: string) {
  const reg = /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6})$/;
  return reg.test(color);


 * RGB 颜色值转换为 十六进制颜色值.
 * r, g, 和 b 需要在 [0, 255] 范围内
 * @return  String          类似#ff00ff
 * @param r
 * @param g
 * @param b
export function rgbToHex(r: number, g: number, b: number) {
  // tslint:disable-next-line:no-bitwise
  const hex = ((r << 16) | (g << 8) | b).toString(16);
  return '#' + new Array(Math.abs(hex.length - 7)).join('0') + hex;


 * Transform a HEX color to its RGB representation
 * @param {string} hex The color to transform
 * @returns The RGB representation of the passed color
export function hexToRGB(hex: string) {
  let sHex = hex.toLowerCase();
  if (isHexColor(hex)) {
    if (sHex.length === 4) {
      let sColorNew = '#';
      for (let i = 1; i < 4; i += 1) {
        sColorNew += sHex.slice(i, i + 1).concat(sHex.slice(i, i + 1));
      sHex = sColorNew;
    const sColorChange: number[] = [];
    for (let i = 1; i < 7; i += 2) {
      sColorChange.push(parseInt('0x' + sHex.slice(i, i + 2)));
    return 'RGB(' + sColorChange.join(',') + ')';
  return sHex;


export function colorIsDark(color: string) {
  if (!isHexColor(color)) return;
  const [r, g, b] = hexToRGB(color)
    .replace(/(?:\(|\)|rgb|RGB)*/g, '')
    .map((item) => Number(item));
  return r * 0.299 + g * 0.578 + b * 0.114 < 192;


 * Darkens a HEX color given the passed percentage
 * @param {string} color The color to process
 * @param {number} amount The amount to change the color by
 * @returns {string} The HEX representation of the processed color
export function darken(color: string, amount: number) {
  color = color.indexOf('#') >= 0 ? color.substring(1, color.length) : color;
  amount = Math.trunc((255 * amount) / 100);
  return `#${subtractLight(color.substring(0, 2), amount)}${subtractLight(
    color.substring(2, 4),
  )}${subtractLight(color.substring(4, 6), amount)}`;


 * Lightens a 6 char HEX color according to the passed percentage
 * @param {string} color The color to change
 * @param {number} amount The amount to change the color by
 * @returns {string} The processed color represented as HEX
export function lighten(color: string, amount: number) {
  color = color.indexOf('#') >= 0 ? color.substring(1, color.length) : color;
  amount = Math.trunc((255 * amount) / 100);
  return `#${addLight(color.substring(0, 2), amount)}${addLight(
    color.substring(2, 4),
  )}${addLight(color.substring(4, 6), amount)}`;


/* Suma el porcentaje indicado a un color (RR, GG o BB) hexadecimal para aclararlo */
 * Sums the passed percentage to the R, G or B of a HEX color
 * @param {string} color The color to change
 * @param {number} amount The amount to change the color by
 * @returns {string} The processed part of the color
function addLight(color: string, amount: number) {
  const cc = parseInt(color, 16) + amount;
  const c = cc > 255 ? 255 : cc;
  return c.toString(16).length > 1 ? c.toString(16) : `0${c.toString(16)}`;


 * Calculates luminance of an rgb color
 * @param {number} r red
 * @param {number} g green
 * @param {number} b blue
function luminanace(r: number, g: number, b: number) {
  const a = [r, g, b].map((v) => {
    v /= 255;
    return v <= 0.03928 ? v / 12.92 : Math.pow((v + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
  return a[0] * 0.2126 + a[1] * 0.7152 + a[2] * 0.0722;


 * Calculates contrast between two rgb colors
 * @param {string} rgb1 rgb color 1
 * @param {string} rgb2 rgb color 2
function contrast(rgb1: string[], rgb2: number[]) {
  return (
    (luminanace(~~rgb1[0], ~~rgb1[1], ~~rgb1[2]) + 0.05) /
    (luminanace(rgb2[0], rgb2[1], rgb2[2]) + 0.05)


 * Determines what the best text color is (black or white) based con the contrast with the background
 * @param hexColor - Last selected color by the user
export function calculateBestTextColor(hexColor: string) {
  const rgbColor = hexToRGB(hexColor.substring(1));
  const contrastWithBlack = contrast(rgbColor.split(','), [0, 0, 0]);
  return contrastWithBlack >= 12 ? '#000000' : '#FFFFFF';


 * Subtracts the indicated percentage to the R, G or B of a HEX color
 * @param {string} color The color to change
 * @param {number} amount The amount to change the color by
 * @returns {string} The processed part of the color
function subtractLight(color: string, amount: number) {
  const cc = parseInt(color, 16) - amount;
  const c = cc < 0 ? 0 : cc;
  return c.toString(16).length > 1 ? c.toString(16) : `0${c.toString(16)}`;

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