Google Earth Engine——EOSDIS下产生或收集的海洋颜色和卫星海洋生物数据

简介: Google Earth Engine——EOSDIS下产生或收集的海洋颜色和卫星海洋生物数据

This level 3 product includes ocean color and satellite ocean biology data produced or collected under EOSDIS.

This dataset may be used for studying the biology and hydrology of coastal zones, changes in the diversity and geographical distribution of coastal marine habitats, biogeochemical fluxes and their influence in Earth's oceans and climate over time, and finally the impact of climate and environmental variability and change on ocean ecosystems and the biodiversity they support.

Scale factor and offset are already applied.












Dataset Availability

2002-07-04T00:00:00 - 2021-06-30T00:00:00

Dataset Provider

NASA OB.DAAC at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Collection Snippet



4616 meters

Bands Table

Name Description Min* Max* Units Wavelength
chlor_a Chlorophyll a concentration 0 99.99 mg m-3
nflh Normalized fluorescence line height -0.5 5.03 mW cm-2 µm-1 sr-1
poc Particulate organic carbon -2147.48 12953.4 mg m-3
Rrs_412 Remote sensing reflectance at band 412nm 0 0.11 sr-1 412nm
Rrs_443 Remote sensing reflectance at band 443nm 0 0.08 sr-1 443nm
Rrs_469 Remote sensing reflectance at band 469nm 0 0.08 sr-1 469nm
Rrs_488 Remote sensing reflectance at band 488nm 0 0.08 sr-1 488nm
Rrs_531 Remote sensing reflectance at band 531nm 0 0.07 sr-1 531nm
Rrs_547 Remote sensing reflectance at band 547nm 0 0.07 sr-1 547nm
Rrs_555 Remote sensing reflectance at band 555nm 0 0.07 sr-1 555nm
Rrs_645 Remote sensing reflectance at band 645nm 0 0.05 sr-1 645nm
Rrs_667 Remote sensing reflectance at band 667nm 0 0.04 sr-1 667nm
Rrs_678 Remote sensing reflectance at band 678nm 0 0.04 sr-1 678nm
sst Sea surface temperature -2 40 °C

* = Values are estimated


Name Type Description
Rrs_412_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
Rrs_412_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
Rrs_412_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product
Rrs_443_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
Rrs_443_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
Rrs_443_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product
Rrs_555_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
Rrs_555_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
Rrs_555_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product
chlor_a_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
chlor_a_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
chlor_a_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product
poc_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
poc_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
poc_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product
Rrs_469_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
Rrs_469_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
Rrs_469_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product
Rrs_488_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
Rrs_488_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
Rrs_488_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product
Rrs_531_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
Rrs_531_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
Rrs_531_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product
Rrs_547_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
Rrs_547_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
Rrs_547_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product
Rrs_645_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
Rrs_645_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
Rrs_645_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product
Rrs_667_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
Rrs_667_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
Rrs_667_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product
Rrs_678_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
Rrs_678_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
Rrs_678_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product
nflh_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
nflh_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
nflh_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product
sst_lastModified String Last date this product was modified
sst_software_name String 'smigen' or 'l3mapgen'; name of the software used to create this product
sst_software_version String Version of the software used to create this product


NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Ocean Ecology Laboratory, Ocean Biology Processing Group. Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aqua Ocean Color Data, NASA OB.DAAC, Greenbelt, MD, USA.

NASA Ocean Color

NASA Ocean Color

NASA Ocean Color

NASA Ocean Color


var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('NASA/OCEANDATA/MODIS-Aqua/L3SMI')
                  .filterDate('2016-01-01', '2016-01-31');
var remoteSensingReflectance =['Rrs_645', 'Rrs_555', 'Rrs_443']);
var remoteSensingReflectanceVis = {
  min: 0.0,
  max: 0.011,
Map.setCenter(-52.12, -46.13, 4);
    remoteSensingReflectance, remoteSensingReflectanceVis,
    'Remote Sensing Reflectance');


var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('NASA/OCEANDATA/MODIS-Terra/L3SMI')
                  .filterDate('2016-01-01', '2016-01-31');
var remoteSensingReflectance =['Rrs_645', 'Rrs_555', 'Rrs_443']);
var remoteSensingReflectanceVis = {
  min: 0.0,
  max: 0.02,
Map.setCenter(-52.12, -46.13, 4);
    remoteSensingReflectance, remoteSensingReflectanceVis,
    'Remote Sensing Reflectance');

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