Google Earth Engine——GRACE Tellus月度质量网格提供了相对于2004-2010年时间平均基线的月度引力异常值

简介: Google Earth Engine——GRACE Tellus月度质量网格提供了相对于2004-2010年时间平均基线的月度引力异常值

GRACE Tellus Monthly Mass Grids provides monthly gravitational anomalies relative to a 2004-2010 time-mean baseline. The data contained in this dataset are units of "Equivalent Water Thickness" which represent the deviations of mass in terms of vertical extent of water in centimeters. See the provider's Monthly Mass Grids Overview for more details.

This dataset is a filtered version of the GRACE Tellus (GRCTellus) Ocean dataset. The 'EOFR' bottom pressure (OBP) grids are obtained by projecting the data from the regular GRC Ocean grids product onto the Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) of the Ocean Model for Circulation and Tides (OMCT). This effectively filters out signals in the GRACE data that are inconsistent with the physics and OBP variations in the OMCT ocean model.

The EOFR filtered reconstructed OBP fields agree better with radar altimetric sea surface height, reduce leakage around ice sheets and glaciers, and reduce noise in the mid latitudes where OBP variability is lower. (Chambers and Willis, 2010)


  • The GRCTellus Ocean datasets are optimized to examine regional ocean bottom pressure, but NOT intended to be spatially averaged to determine global mean ocean mass.

GRACE Tellus月度质量网格提供了相对于2004-2010年时间平均基线的月度引力异常值。该数据集所包含的数据是以 "等水厚度 "为单位,以厘米为单位表示水的垂直范围的质量偏差。更多细节见提供者的月度质量网格概述。

该数据集是GRACE Tellus(GRCTellus)海洋数据集的过滤版本。EOFR "底压(OBP)网格是通过将常规GRC海洋网格产品的数据投射到海洋环流和潮汐模型(OMCT)的经验正交函数(EOFs)上获得的。这有效地过滤了GRACE数据中与OMCT海洋模型中的物理学和OBP变化不一致的信号。

EOFR过滤后重建的OBP场与雷达测高的海面高度更加一致,减少了冰原和冰川周围的泄漏,并减少了OBP变化较小的中纬度地区的噪声。(Chambers and Willis, 2010)


Dataset Availability

2002-12-31T00:00:00 - 2017-01-05T00:00:00

Dataset Provider

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Collection Snippet



111320 meters

Bands Table

Name Description Min* Max* Units
lwe_thickness_csr Equivalent liquid water thickness in centimeters calculated by CSR. -18.46 12.29 cm
lwe_thickness_gfz Equivalent liquid water thickness in centimeters calculated by GFZ. -15.37 14.56 cm
lwe_thickness_jpl Equivalent liquid water thickness in centimeters calculated by JPL. -16.59 11.7 cm

* = Values are estimated


Name Type Description
CSR_END_TIME Double End date in milliseconds of spherical harmonics solution from CSR.
CSR_START_TIME Double Start date in milliseconds of spherical harmonics solution from CSR.
GFZ_END_TIME Double End date in milliseconds of spherical harmonics solution from GFZ.
GFZ_START_TIME Double Start date in milliseconds of spherical harmonics solution from GFZ.
JPL_END_TIME Double End date in milliseconds of spherical harmonics solution from JPL.
JPL_START_TIME Double Start date in milliseconds of spherical harmonics solution from JPL.


D.P. Chambers. 2012. GRACE MONTHLY OCEAN MASS GRIDS NETCDF RELEASE 5.0. Ver. 5.0. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at

Chambers, D.P. and J.A. Bonin: Evaluation of Release 05 time-variable gravity coefficients over the ocean. Ocean Science 8, 859-868, 2012. OS - Evaluation of Release-05 GRACE time-variable gravity coefficients over the ocean.

Chambers D.P. and J. K. Willis: A Global Evaluation of Ocean Bottom Pressure from GRACE, OMCT, and Steric-Corrected Altimetry. J. of Oceanic and Atmosph. Technology, vol 27, pp 1395-1402. doi:10.1175/2010JTECHO738.1, 2010.


var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('NASA/GRACE/MASS_GRIDS/OCEAN')
                  .filter('2016-08-01', '2016-08-30'));
var equivalentWaterThicknessCsr ='lwe_thickness_csr');
var equivalentWaterThicknessCsrVis = {
  min: -10.0,
  max: 10.0,
Map.setCenter(6.746, 46.529, 1);
    equivalentWaterThicknessCsr, equivalentWaterThicknessCsrVis,
    'Equivalent Water Thickness CSR');

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