Google Earth Engine——美国PRISM插值程序模拟了天气和气候如何随海拔变化,并考虑了海岸效应、温度反转和可能导致雨影的地形障碍。

简介: Google Earth Engine——美国PRISM插值程序模拟了天气和气候如何随海拔变化,并考虑了海岸效应、温度反转和可能导致雨影的地形障碍。

The PRISM daily and monthly datasets are gridded climate datasets for the conterminous United States, produced by the PRISM Climate Group at Oregon State University. Grids are developed using PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model). PRISM interpolation routines simulate how weather and climate vary with elevation, and account for coastal effects, temperature inversions, and terrain barriers that can cause rain shadows. Station data are assimilated from many networks across the country. For more information, see the Descriptions of PRISM Spatial Climate Datasets.


Dataset Availability

1981-01-01T00:00:00 - 2010-12-31T00:00:00

Dataset Provider


Collection Snippet



4638.3 meters

Bands Table

Name Description Min* Max* Units
ppt 30 Year average of monthly total precipitation (including rain and melted snow) 0.03 1046.09 mm
tmean 30 Year average of monthly mean temperature (calculated as (tmin+tmax)/2) -16.15 37.88 °C
tmin 30 Year average of monthly minimum temperature -21.9 29.79 °C
tmax 30 Year average of monthly maximum temperature -10.78 46.63 °C
tdmean 30 Year average of monthly mean dew point temperature -19.07 25.22 °C
vpdmin 30 Year average of monthly minimum vapor pressure deficit 0 33.11 hPa
vpdmax 30 Year average of monthly maximum vapor pressure deficit 0.37 94.11 hPa

* = Values are estimated

Name Type Description
PRISM_CREATION_DATE List of Strings List of original creation dates for each band, e.g: the first element is for the first band "ppt", the second element is for the second band "tmean"
PRISM_DATASET List of Strings List of dataset types per-band
PRISM_VERSION List of Strings List of code versions per-band
PRISM_FILENAME List of Strings List of original filenames per-band

引用:Daly, C., Halbleib, M., Smith, J.I., Gibson, W.P., Doggett, M.K., Taylor, G.H., Curtis, J., and Pasteris, P.A. 2008. Physiographically-sensitive mapping of temperature and precipitation across the conterminous United States. International Journal of Climatology, 28: 2031-2064

[Daly, C., J.I. Smith, and K.V. Olson. 2015. Mapping atmospheric moisture climatologies across the conterminous United States. PloS ONE 10(10):e0141140. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141140.


var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('OREGONSTATE/PRISM/Norm81m');
var precipitation ='ppt');
var precipitationVis = {
  min: 0.0,
  max: 300.0,
  palette: ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'cyan', 'purple'],
Map.setCenter(-100.55, 40.71, 0);
Map.addLayer(precipitation, precipitationVis, 'Precipitation');

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