Testing Environment
AliCloud |
subnet cidr | | |
ecs ip for ping testing | | |
Establish the IPSec Tunnel
Step1 Create VPN GateWay in the vpc on AliCoud
now we created the alicloud vpn gateway ip, 47.99.xx.xx
Step2 Create VPN GateWay in the vpc on AWS
Step3 Create Customer Gateway on AWS
Enter a name for the customer gateway and enter the IP address of the Alibaba Cloud VPN Gateway
Step4 Create VPN Connection on AWS
Choose your vpn gateway and customer gateway created before.
Config as the bellow picture.
Config local cidr
Config remote cidr
Edit the tunnel options as bellow
Now, we created the tunnel outerside ip address.
tunnel1 52.73.xx.xx
tunnel2 107.23.xx.xx
Step5 Create Customer Gateway on AliCloud
Use the tunnel 1 ip address as the customer gateway id on aliCloud.
Step6 Create VPN Connection on AliCloud
Step7 Create VPN Connection on AliCloud
Enter the connection name, Choose the vpn gateway and customer gateway created before.
Enter the same pre share key
the advanced configuration as bellow
the connection works!
tips: tunnel2 configuration is the same. do step5-step7 again.
Ping each side ecs
Step1 Add route entry on AliCloud VPN GateWay
Step2 Add route entry on AliCloud VPC
Step3 Add static route entry on AWS VPN GateWay
Step4 Add route entry on AWS VPC
ping testing works!
aws ecs ping alicloud ecs
alicloud ecs ping aws ecs