Redis使用跳跃表和字典共同来实现有序集合键(sorted set)。
[cce lang=”c”]
typedef struct zskiplistNode {
robj *obj;
double score;
struct zskiplistNode *backward;
struct zskiplistLevel {
struct zskiplistNode *forward;
unsigned int span;
} level[];
} zskiplistNode;
[cce lang=”c”]
typedef struct zskiplist {
struct zskiplistNode *header, *tail;
unsigned long length;
int level;
} zskiplist;
zskiplist *zslCreate(void);
[cce lang=”c”]
zskiplist *zslCreate(void) {
int j;
zskiplist *zsl;
zsl = zmalloc(sizeof(*zsl));
zsl->level = 1;
zsl->length = 0;
//#define ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL 32 /* Should be enough for 2^32 elements */
zsl->header = zslCreateNode(ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL,0,NULL);
for (j = 0; j < ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL; j++) {
zsl->header->level[j].forward = NULL;
zsl->header->level[j].span = 0;
zsl->header->backward = NULL;
zsl->tail = NULL;
return zsl;
zskiplistNode *zslCreateNode(int level, double score, robj *obj) {
zskiplistNode *zn = zmalloc(sizeof(*zn)+level*sizeof(struct zskiplistLevel));
zn->score = score;
zn->obj = obj;
return zn;
zskiplistNode *zslInsert(zskiplist *zsl, double score, robj *obj);
[cce lang=”c”]
zskiplistNode *zslInsert(zskiplist *zsl, double score, robj *obj) {
zskiplistNode *update[ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL], *x;
unsigned int rank[ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL];
int i, level;
x = zsl->header;
for (i = zsl->level-1; i >= 0; i–) {
/* store rank that is crossed to reach the insert position */
rank[i] = i == (zsl->level-1) ? 0 : rank[i+1];
while (x->level[i].forward &&
(x->level[i].forward->score < score ||
(x->level[i].forward->score == score &&
compareStringObjects(x->level[i].forward->obj,obj) < 0))) {
rank[i] += x->level[i].span;
x = x->level[i].forward;
update[i] = x;
/* we assume the key is not already inside, since we allow duplicated
* scores, and the re-insertion of score and redis object should never
* happen since the caller of zslInsert() should test in the hash table
* if the element is already inside or not. */
level = zslRandomLevel();
if (level > zsl->level) {
for (i = zsl->level; i < level; i++) {
rank[i] = 0;
update[i] = zsl->header;
update[i]->level[i].span = zsl->length;
zsl->level = level;
x = zslCreateNode(level,score,obj);
for (i = 0; i < level; i++) {
x->level[i].forward = update[i]->level[i].forward;
update[i]->level[i].forward = x;
/* update span covered by update[i] as x is inserted here */
x->level[i].span = update[i]->level[i].span – (rank[0] – rank[i]);
update[i]->level[i].span = (rank[0] – rank[i]) + 1;
/* increment span for untouched levels */
for (i = level; i < zsl->level; i++) {
x->backward = (update[0] == zsl->header) ? NULL : update[0];
if (x->level[0].forward)
x->level[0].forward->backward = x;
zsl->tail = x;
return x;
int zslRandomLevel(void) {
int level = 1;
//#define ZSKIPLIST_P 0.25 /* Skiplist P = 1/4 */
while ((random()&0xFFFF) < (ZSKIPLIST_P * 0xFFFF))
level += 1;
return (level }