ASP.NET Core : 十一. 如何在后台运行一个任务

简介: 在大部分程序中一般都会需要用到后台任务, 比如定时更新缓存或更新某些状态。


在 ASP.NET Core 2.1中, 提供了一个名为 BackgroundService  的类,它在 Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting 命名空间中,查看一下它的源码:

1. 1 using System;
 2 using System.Threading;
 3 using System.Threading.Tasks;
 5 namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
 6 {
 7     /// <summary>
 8     /// Base class for implementing a long running <see cref="IHostedService"/>.
 9     /// </summary>
10     public abstract class BackgroundService : IHostedService, IDisposable
11     {
12         private Task _executingTask;
13         private readonly CancellationTokenSource _stoppingCts = new CancellationTokenSource();
15         /// <summary>
16         /// This method is called when the <see cref="IHostedService"/> starts. The implementation should return a task that represents
17         /// the lifetime of the long running operation(s) being performed.
18         /// </summary>
19         /// <param name="stoppingToken">Triggered when <see cref="IHostedService.StopAsync(CancellationToken)"/> is called.</param>
20         /// <returns>A <see cref="Task"/> that represents the long running operations.</returns>
21         protected abstract Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken);
23         /// <summary>
24         /// Triggered when the application host is ready to start the service.
25         /// </summary>
26         /// <param name="cancellationToken">Indicates that the start process has been aborted.</param>
27         public virtual Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
28         {
29             // Store the task we're executing
30             _executingTask = ExecuteAsync(_stoppingCts.Token);
32             // If the task is completed then return it, this will bubble cancellation and failure to the caller
33             if (_executingTask.IsCompleted)
34             {
35                 return _executingTask;
36             }
38             // Otherwise it's running
39             return Task.CompletedTask;
40         }
42         /// <summary>
43         /// Triggered when the application host is performing a graceful shutdown.
44         /// </summary>
45         /// <param name="cancellationToken">Indicates that the shutdown process should no longer be graceful.</param>
46         public virtual async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
47         {
48             // Stop called without start
49             if (_executingTask == null)
50             {
51                 return;
52             }
54             try
55             {
56                 // Signal cancellation to the executing method
57                 _stoppingCts.Cancel();
58             }
59             finally
60             {
61                 // Wait until the task completes or the stop token triggers
62                 await Task.WhenAny(_executingTask, Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite, cancellationToken));
63             }
64         }
66         public virtual void Dispose()
67         {
68             _stoppingCts.Cancel();
69         }
70     }
71 }

可以看出它一样是继承自 IHostedService, IDisposable , 它相当于是帮我们写好了一些“通用”的逻辑, 而我们只需要继承并实现它的 ExecuteAsync 即可。


 1     internal class TokenRefreshService : BackgroundService
 2     {
 3         private readonly ILogger _logger;
 5         public TokenRefreshService(ILogger<TokenRefresh2Service> logger)
 6         {
 7             _logger = logger;
 8         }
10         protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
11         {
12             _logger.LogInformation("Service starting");
14             while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
15             {
16                 _logger.LogInformation(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ": Refresh Token!");//在此写需要执行的任务
17                 await Task.Delay(5000, stoppingToken);
18             }
20             _logger.LogInformation("Service stopping");
21         }
22     }


四. 注意事项

感谢@ 咿呀咿呀哟在评论中的提醒,当项目部署在IIS上的时候, 当应用程序池回收的时候,这样的后台任务也会停止执行。


 1. 当IIS上部署的项目启动后,后台任务随之启动,任务执行相应的log正常输出。

 2. 手动回收对应的应用程序池,任务执行相应的log输出停止。

 3. 重新请求该网站,后台任务随之启动,任务执行相应的log重新开始输出。


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