SAP RETAIL 寄售模式公司间STO流程里收货过账不能基于外向交货单?(一)

简介: SAP RETAIL 寄售模式公司间STO流程里收货过账不能基于外向交货单?(一)

SAP RETAIL 寄售模式公司间STO流程里收货过账不能基于外向交货单?

公司间STO流程里,如果是自有库存的STO,则收货方收货的时候,是可以基于STO单据来做的,更多的是应该基于发货方的outbound delivery单据来执行的。

寄售模式的公司间STO流程里,收货方的收货,也可以基于outbound delivery单据来做麽?这是个有待于验证的问题。本文就是对这个做一个验证。



Item category =K, 表明是供应商寄售模式。

2, 执行事务代码VL10B创建了交货单,PGI过账。






以及该外向交货单的document flow,


3, 执行事务代码MIGO,试图对该外向交货单执行收货,失败。



Goods receipt not possible for delivery 80000849: error code 4

Message no. M7865


The goods receipt for the delivery cannot be posted.

The error according to the error code:

1. The delivery does not exist.

2. The delivery type is unknown.

3. The delivery is not goods issue posted.

4. There are no delivery items.

5. The receiving plant could not be determined.

6. The delivery items have already been goods receipt posted or contain zero quantities.

7. Goods receipt(effect)movement type to goods issue movement type could not be determined.

8. It is not currently possible to block the delivery.

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