SAP SD交货单凭证流里的Confirmation of Service初探 II

简介: SAP SD交货单凭证流里的Confirmation of Service初探 II

SAP SD交货单凭证流里的Confirmation of Service初探 II

1,经过研究与测试,confirmation of service也是可以被取消的。

如果交货单被取消了PGI,则confirmation of service也会自动跟着取消。


上图中的Cancel service 1053840000就是在PGI被取消(VL09)之后,自动生成的一个号码。

2,Confirmation of service还可能会在如下场景里出现,比如一些服务的销售。我们定义了服务物料号,将服务料号写在销售订单里。相关的schedule item category的定义里(VOV6)不设置移动类型。


如果相应的SO item出现在Delivery里,当我们对交货单在VL02N里做了PGI过账后,SAP系统并不会产生物料凭证号,而是会出现confirmation of service号。具体见如下例子(该例子来自互联网)。

An example of a Confirmation of service

1. A sales order is created. This sales order contains a schedule line category that does not have a movement type maintained in transaction VOV6.


Figure 1: Customising Transaction VOV6

2. Sales Order is delivered. The created delivery will not have a movement type.


Figure 2: Movement Type field (LIPS-BWART) not filled when delivery is created

3. The “Post Goods Issue” button is pressed in transaction VL02N.

4. GM status is now “C”. No material document was created, but a “Confirmation of Service” exists in the document flow.


Figure 3: GM status is completed


Figure 4: Confirmation of service in the document flow

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