「SAP技术」交货单发货过账报错 - Material's product unit must be entered in whole numbers - 之对策

简介: 「SAP技术」交货单发货过账报错 - Material's product unit must be entered in whole numbers - 之对策

SAP技术】交货单发货过账报错 - Material's product unit must be entered in whole numbers - 之对策

上午收到用户的报错,说是对于某个DN,执行发货过账,报错说, Material's product unit must be entered in whole numbers. 如下图示:


经查该DN的item 900024,交货数量是52650KG,而该物料的基本计量单位是PC,所以SAP系统在销售单据里将该数量换算成单位PC的数量是8,574,918.567 PC,如下图示:





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