SAP Fiori Elements里Smart Link工作原理介绍

简介: SAP Fiori Elements里Smart Link工作原理介绍

The hyperlink could easily be defined by Smart field with the help of corresponding annotation declared in OData Model metadata.

The hyperlink in this example looks like below in UI:

image.pngimage.pngAll the source code of this sample project could be found from this link.

Project resource overview

(1) the label of Hyperlink field is defined in metadata via annotation “sap:label”

(2) the hyperlink field itself is defined in XML view. Its value is bound to field Name in OData Model.

image.png(3) in OData model, the field Name has maintained annotation “” so in runtime UI5 framework will render it as a SmartLink.

(4) Once pressed, UI5 framework will raise a popup which contains additional three links which are available to click. The navigation target is defined by application as below.

image.pngimage.pngSince now semantic annotation is available, in line 55 there is a central _getCreator which will return the dedicated function name for control creation.

image.pngWithin this _createEdmSemantic, a new instance of SmartLink is created.


How is the popup dialog rendered when hyperlink is pressed

In event handler _linkPressed, semantic Attributes are calculated and returned:image.pngAs the first step, in fOpen() a new popup dialog is created via _createPopover().

image.pngIn order to render the hyperlinks within the popup dialog, UI5 framework must know the navigation target url. This information is provided by application and retrieved by UI5 framework asynchronously:

image.pngAfter that you could observe that the three navigation information are maintained in the popup dialog instance’s aggregation area:

image.pngAnd the event handler for it will call show function of popup dialog, so you could see it in UI finally.


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