Verify the value of the CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS的解决办法

简介: Verify the value of the CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS的解决办法


 Verify the value of the CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS






解决App Installation failed, No code signature found.
解决App Installation failed, No code signature found.
382 0
sign check fail:check Sign and Data Fail报错攻略
错误码: sign check fail: check Sign and ​Fail            报错原因:验签失败 ,未使用正确的支付宝公钥     在新版接口的调用过程中,常常出现此报错。
4863 12
Web App开发 对象存储
解决:x509: cannot validate certificate for IP 报错
问题 今天调用上传接口上传文件时,遇到了一个 x509 类型报错,具体报错信息如下: 2021-10-15 17:46:13.145 ERROR oss/upload.go:210 upload process Failed {"error": "Post "\": x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs"} panic: send on closed cha
1412 0
微信分享报错 wxlog:Error:fail to load Keychain status:-25300 解决办法
微信分享报错 wxlog:Error:fail to load Keychain status:-25300 解决办法
2437 0
缓存 安全 网络安全
浏览器 code 16 error signature expired 问题
浏览器 code 16 error signature expired 问题
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check sign Fail!或sign check fail: check Sign and Data Fail!-自查方案
一、报这个错大多都是支付宝公钥配置错误,不同环境的公钥是不同的,大家先确认自己的支付宝公钥获取是否正确:  1. 沙箱公钥【查看】 密钥生成可参照【如何生成RSA,RSA2密钥】  2. 开放平台密钥【查看】,已创建应用的,直接打开对应的应用进行查看, 创建应用可参照:【如何创建应用】 打开应用查...
1974 12
Appium问题解决方案(8)- selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not sign with default certificate.
Appium问题解决方案(8)- selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not sign with default certificate.
1131 0
Appium问题解决方案(8)- selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not sign with default certificate.
出现“Host key verification failed”错误--解决
遇到“Host key verification failed”错误,通常是因为远程主机密钥发生变化,与本地保存的信息不符。这种情况可能是远程主机系统更改或重装等原因导致的。解决方法是根据提示使用`ssh-keygen -f "/root/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "[]:29022"`命令移除旧的密钥信息,然后重新尝试连接。
722 5
Xcode运行报错The certificate used to sign “XXX” has either expired or has been revoked.解决办法
Xcode运行报错The certificate used to sign “XXX” has either expired or has been revoked.解决办法
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使用 spritesmith 报错 Error: Invalid file signature
使用 spritesmith 报错 Error: Invalid file signature
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使用 spritesmith 报错 Error: Invalid file signature