Why UI correction note always has a big static size

简介: Prerequisite knowledge

A simple tool to calculate the total size of a BSP application

Some more technical details about SAP note

My Analysis

Take this simple note for example:


Sara has only changed two lines in JavaScript code ( displayed below ):



However, when downloading this note, the size of compressed XML stream has unbelievable size of 3.2MB.


Among which the delta change occupies 1.7MB:


Why? Please have a look at decompressed XML content here.



However, apart from this code change made by Sara, there are also lots of unrelated code or comment which are also included into the delta change area:

i18n property data


unrelated Javascript code


Unrelated XML view source code

image.pngIf you use Jerry’s tool to calculate the total static size of My Appointment application, you can get size: 1.5MB.


Please notice that this is only the static size. In the runtime, ABAP note tool needs more memory to unpack and apply the delta change to customer system as explained clearly in ABAP help.


It means the correction instruction for UI note DOES NOT contain the delta code change, but actually contains lots of other unused statement, which leads to the unnecessary big size of note.

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