open the same code side by side with two splited windows at the same time

简介: open the same code side by side with two splited windows at the same time



Java Windows
从根本解决windows安装JDK出现error:could not open '...jvm.cfg'的问题
从根本解决windows安装JDK出现error:could not open '...jvm.cfg'的问题
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从根本解决windows安装JDK出现error:could not open '...jvm.cfg'的问题
Cannot open include file: ‘Windows.h‘: No such file or directory
Cannot open include file: ‘Windows.h‘: No such file or directory
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JavaScript 前端开发 Ubuntu
【cypress】2. 安装Cypress(windows系统),以及cypress open报错解决。
【cypress】2. 安装Cypress(windows系统),以及cypress open报错解决。
【cypress】2. 安装Cypress(windows系统),以及cypress open报错解决。
网络安全 Windows
windows ssh远程登录阿里云遇到permissions are too open的错误
windows ssh远程登录阿里云遇到permissions are too open的错误
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windows ssh远程登录阿里云遇到permissions are too open的错误
With Visual Studio, Open Same File In Two Windows, Updates Reflected in Both
I’ve always been frustrated in Visual Studio (all versions I can remember including latest vs2012) with not being able to look at the top of a file and edit the bottom.
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Linux Windows
Windows Server 下文件同步
Windows Server 下文件同步
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编解码 安全 网络安全
RealVNC的 VNC server在windows7系统下无法正确运行
在Windows 7上运行旧版VNC Server(如4.1.2)可能存在兼容性问题,但可通过调整配置解决。步骤包括:安装VNC Server,设置兼容性模式(选择Windows XP SP3),启动VNC Server,配置VNC连接参数。若遇到问题,检查防火墙设置,确保系统更新,并考虑升级到新版VNC Server以提高性能和兼容性。
开发框架 .NET API
在Windows Server 2008 R2上运行.Net 8应用
在Windows Server 2008 R2上成功运行.Net 8程序,需安装三个补丁:Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (KB976932)是基础更新;VC_redist.x64提供MSVC库支持;KB3063858解决.NET运行时加载`kernel.dll`的路径问题。KB3063858可能需要KB2533623。详细信息和下载链接在文中给出。
网络协议 Unix Linux
【技术分享】Server / Server Software / Unix Windows OS
Server / Server Software / Unix Windows OS
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