

What Wi-Fi Looks Like

Nickolay Lamm/M. Browning Vogel

Wi-Fi is a series of invisible waves, streaming along through our houses and offices and planes. What would those waves look like if we could see them? Like these crazy exploding-rainbow images!

Well, okay, we don't have any way of actually seeing Wi-Fi, so there's notreally a way of knowing what it would look like without speculation. But these images from Nickolay Lamm, done with help from astrophysicist M. Browning Vogel, are certainly beautiful, and pretty instructive, too. In the top image, you can see Wi-Fi waves emanating along, colored with a rainbow gradient. But Wi-Fi doesn't just travel in a straight line, so Lamm also included the image below, showing waves emanating spherically, in pulses, from a source. "Wifi fields are usually spherical (like the one here) or ellipsoidal and extend about 20-30 meters, assuming a typical off the shelf wifi box," Lamm writes at My Deals, where the images first appeared.

What Wi-Fi Looks Like

Nickolay Lamm/M. Browning Vogel

And what would those spheres and ellipses look like accounting for multiple signals? Maybe on the National Mall? Something like this:

What Wi-Fi Looks Like

Nickolay Lamm/M. Browning Vogel

What Wi-Fi Looks Like

Nickolay Lamm/M. Browning Vogel

What Wi-Fi Looks Like

Nickolay Lamm/M. Browning Vogel

Hmm. I know it's just a representation of invisible waves, but... how can we make this real?



vr&ar 数据安全/隐私保护 网络架构
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人工智能 安全 物联网
安全 网络安全 数据安全/隐私保护
定位技术 Android开发
Android 得到当前已连接的wifi的信号强度
Android 得到当前已连接的wifi的信号强度
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安全 网络协议
无线局域网 (Wireless Local Area Networks, WLAN) 技术分为两大阵营: IEEE 802.11 标 准体系和欧洲邮电委员会 (CEPT) 制定的 HIPERLAN (High Performance Radio LAN) 标准体 系 。 IEEE 802.11 标准是由面向数据通信的计算机局域网发展而来,采用无连接的网络协议, 目 前市场上的大部分产品都是根据这个标准开发的;与之对抗的 HIPERLAN-2 标准则是基于连接 的无线局域网,致力于面向语音的蜂窝电话。
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