SHOW HELP 展示 DRDS 所有辅助 SQL 指令及其说明。
mysql> show help;
| show rule |Report all table rule | |
| show rule from TABLE |Report table rule | show rule from user |
| show full rule from TABLE |Report table full rule | show full rule from user |
| show topology from TABLE |Report table physical topology | show topology from user |
| show partitions from TABLE |Report table dbPartition or tbPartition columns | show partitions from user |
| show broadcasts |Report all broadcast tables | |
| show datasources |Report all partition db threadPool info | |
| show node |Report master/slave read status | |
| show slow |Report top 100 slow sql | |
| show physical_slow |Report top 100 physical slow sql | |
| clear slow |Clear slow data | |
| trace SQL |Start trace sql,use show trace to print profiling data | trace select count(*)from user; show trace |
| show trace |Report sql execute profiling info | |
| explain SQL |Report sql plan info | explain select count(*)from user |
| explain detail SQL |Report sql detail plan info | explain detail select count(*)from user |
| explain execute SQL |Report sql on physical db plan info | explain execute select count(*)from user |
| show sequences |Report all sequences status | |
| create sequence NAME [start with COUNT]|Create sequence | create sequence test start with0 |
| alter sequence NAME [start with COUNT] |Alter sequence | alter sequence test start with100000 |
| drop sequence NAME |Drop sequence | drop sequence test |
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