
简介: 问题描述: 用d3画的图,svg和div重叠画的,svg画连线和箭头,div上用d3来append出个性化的展示面板,项目首页有 <base href="/">,d3生成的svg的标签文件单独复制出来后可以看到箭头(marker-end)!解决方案The HTML element is used to say “resolve all relative

用d3画的图,svg和div重叠画的,svg画连线和箭头,div上用d3来append出个性化的展示面板,项目首页有 <base href="/">,d3生成的svg的标签文件单独复制出来后可以看到箭头(marker-end)!


The HTML element is used to say “resolve all relative URLs relative not to this page, but to a new location”. In your case, you’ve told it to resolve relative to the directory with the HTML page.

The SVG marker-mid=”url(…)” attribute is a FuncIRI Reference. When you use a value like url(#foo) that relative IRI is normally resolved relative to the current page, finding the element with the foo id. But, when you use , you change where it looks.

To solve this problem, use a better value. Since your base reference is the current directory, you can simply use the name of the current file:

<line … marker-mid="url(this_page_name.html#arrow)" />

If you have a different href, than what you’ve shown, like:

<base href="" />

then you will need to use an absolute href, e.g.

<line … marker-mid="url(" />

如果用的Angular, 可以用$location.path!

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版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 leaflet之自...
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