Styling a ListView with a Horizontal ItemsPanel and a Header

简介: 原文 I had to create a specific ListView for my WPF project.


I had to create a specific ListView for my WPF project. A Horizontal alignment of items, with a header column, containing a templated item with a templated checkbox. The final effect looks like this:

If we decompose the panel, here are the elements:
Black box: ListView with Template containing a Grid with 2 columns
Red box: The Header column in the ListView template on Grid.Column=”0″
Yellow box: The ListView item panel (ItemsPresenter) located on Grid.Column=”1″ containing an templates ItemsPanelTemplate which is a StackPanel with an Orientation=”Horizontal”.
Green box: The ListView’s ItemTemplate which is a StackPanel with an Orientation=”Vertical” containing a TextBlock with a RotateTransform LayoutTransform and a Templated Checkbox which uses an Ellipse as it’s main shape.

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding OpUnitList}" Grid.Row="1" Name="FilterListBox">
     <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" IsItemsHost="True">
     <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
       <TextBlock Text="{Binding OpUnitName}" Width="60" Margin="2">
           <RotateTransform Angle="-90"/>
       <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding FilterValue}" Name="RgDot" IsThreeState="True" Style="{StaticResource EllipseCheckBoxStyle}"/>
     <Grid HorizontalAlignment="Left"> 
         <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"></ColumnDefinition>
         <ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
       <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Grid.Column="0">
         <TextBlock Margin="2" Height="60">OpUnit Name</TextBlock>
         <TextBlock Margin="2">Filter</TextBlock>
       <ItemsPresenter Grid.Column="1"></ItemsPresenter>


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API Android开发
这是我之前一篇老文章了,重新整理了一下在掘金发一下,大家可以参考参考。 RecyclerView是Android 5.0版本引入的一个新的组件,目的是在一些场景中取代之前ListView和GridView,实现性能更优的解决方案。同时RecyclerView的灵活性让它可胜任更多的场景。关于RecyclerView的使用有太多的文章了,大家可以自行搜索。 我们知道RecyclerView很灵活,灵活到很多功能需要我们自己实现,比如ListView和GridView中最常用的Item点击事件。所以在使用了几次后,我准备自己封装一个WrapRecyclerView,实现一些非常常用的功能。
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原文:Template、ItemsPanel、ItemContainerStyle、ItemTemplate 先来看一张图(网上下的图,加了几个字) 实在是有够“乱”的,慢慢来理一下; 1、Template是指控件的样式 在WPF中所有继承自contentcontrol类的控件都含有此属性,(继承自FrameworkElementdl类的TextBlock等控件无)。
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