/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[pro_bobang_ICItemQiTao] Script Date: 07/29/2015 16:12:10 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO alter PROC [dbo].[pro_bobang_ICItemQiTao] @FBomNumber1 varchar(50), --bom单号 @FBomNumber2 varchar(50) --bom单号 as begin set nocount on --1.--业务员查找某个BOM单,包含所有BOM(已使用,未使用,已审核,未审核) with cte as ( select convert(varchar(100),'') as cen,Finterid,convert(varchar(50),'') as fpbomnumber,Fbomnumber AS FCbomnumber,fitemid,fitemid as fpitemid,0 as fpinterid,convert(decimal(18,4),1) as FBomQty,convert(varchar(500),RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar(10),Finterid),6)) as code from ICBOM where (1=1) and FBOMNumber >= @FBomNumber1 and FBOMNumber <= case when @FBomNumber2='' then (select MAX(FBOMNumber) from ICBOM) else @FBomNumber2 end union all select convert(varchar(100),cen+'------'),a.finterid,convert(varchar(50),c.FCbomnumber) as fpbomnumber,a.fbomnumber as fcbomnumber,a.fitemid,c.fpitemid,a.fpinterid,convert(decimal(18,4),a.FAuxQty) as FBomQty,convert(varchar(500),c.code+RIGHT('000000'+convert(varchar(10),a.finterid),6)) as code from ( select t1.finterid as fpinterid,t2.FInterID,t1.FItemID,t2.FBOMNumber,t1.FAuxQty from ICBOMChild t1 inner join ICBOM t2 on t1.FItemID=t2.FItemID where t2.FParentID=1038 union all select t1.finterid as fpinterid,0,t1.fitemid,'',t1.FAuxQty from ICBOMChild t1 where not exists (select * from ICBOM where FItemID=t1.FItemID)) a inner join cte c on a.fpinterid=c.FInterID ) select cen,finterid,fpbomnumber,fcbomnumber,fitemid,fpitemid,fpinterid,FBomQty,code into #tmp1 from cte order by code OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) --2.--获取成品库存(因为明细材料的需求量,还要减去现有成品库存隐形消耗的材料,才能体现真实需求量) declare @kc decimal(18,6) declare @fitemid int select @kc=isnull(SUM(t1.FQty),0),@fitemid=t1.FItemID from ICInventory t1 inner join (select FItemID from ICBOM where FBOMNumber=@FBomNumber1) t2 on t1.FItemID=t2.FItemID group by t1.FItemID; --3.--所有正在使用的BOM单(已使用,已审核),为了检索明细物料在哪些bom(成品)中使用,进而计算需求数量 with cte as ( select convert(varchar(100),'') as cen,Finterid,convert(varchar(50),FBOMNumber) as fpbomnumber,Fbomnumber AS FCbomnumber,fitemid,fitemid as fpitemid,0 as fpinterid,convert(decimal(18,4),1) as FBomQty,convert(varchar(500),RIGHT('000000'+CONVERT(varchar(10),Finterid),6)) as code from ICBOM where (1=1) and FParentID=1038 union all select convert(varchar(100),cen+'------'),a.finterid,convert(varchar(50),c.fpbomnumber),a.fbomnumber as fcbomnumber,a.fitemid,c.fpitemid,a.fpinterid,convert(decimal(18,4),a.FAuxQty) as FBomQty,convert(varchar(500),c.code+RIGHT('000000'+convert(varchar(10),a.finterid),6)) as code from ( select t1.finterid as fpinterid,t2.FInterID,t1.FItemID,t2.FBOMNumber,t1.FAuxQty from ICBOMChild t1 inner join ICBOM t2 on t1.FItemID=t2.FItemID where FParentID=1038 union all select t1.finterid as fpinterid,0,t1.fitemid,'',t1.FAuxQty from ICBOMChild t1 where not exists (select * from ICBOM where FItemID=t1.FItemID)) a inner join cte c on a.fpinterid=c.FInterID ) select fpbomnumber,fitemid,fpitemid,sum(FBomQty) as FBomQty into #tmp2 from cte group by fpbomnumber,FItemID,fpitemid OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) --4.--取采购价格管理物料最新日期的价格(已审核,可使用) SELECT distinct u1.FSupID,u1.FItemID,case when u1.fcyid=1 then u1.FPrice*t3.FExchangeRate/(1+v1.FValueAddRate/100) else u1.FPrice*t3.FExchangeRate end as FPrice, t3.FName AS FCyName,u1.FQuoteTime,u1.FDisableDate into #tmp3 FROM t_SupplyEntry u1 INNER JOIN t_ICItem t1 ON u1.FItemID=t1.FItemID INNER JOIN t_Supply u2 ON u1.FSupID=u2.FSupID AND u1.FItemID=u2.FItemID AND u1.FPType=u2.FPType INNER JOIN t_Currency t3 ON t3.FCurrencyID=u1.FCyID INNER JOIN t_Currency u3 ON u3.FCurrencyID=u2.FCurrencyID INNER JOIN t_Supplier v1 ON u1.FSupID=v1.FItemID inner join ( select MAX(fquotetime) as fquotetime,FItemID from t_SupplyEntry where FCheckerID>0 group by FItemID ) bb on bb.FItemID=u1.FItemID and bb.fquotetime=u1.FQuoteTime WHERE t1.FErpClsID not in (6,8) and u1.FCheckerID>0 and u1.FUsed=1 select w.cen+w2.FNumber as FTree,w2.FName,w2.FModel,w3.FName as FUnitName,w.FBomQty, --需求量=产品预测量+销售订单量-已发货量-即时库存量-该BOM成品耗费材料库存(仅明细材料) --w.FKCQty,w.FPRQty,w.FPOQty,w.FPPQty,w.FXSQty1,w.FXSQty2,w.FPPQty+w.FXSQty1-w.FXSQty2-w.FKCQty-(case when w.FItemID=@fitemid then 0 else @kc*w.FBomQty end) as XQSL,(case when w.FItemID=@fitemid then 0 else @kc*w.FBomQty end) --需求量改为生产需求 --需求量=产品预测量+销售订单量-已发货量-该BOM成品库存及耗费材料库存 w.FKCQty,w.FPRQty,w.FPOQty,w.FStockQty,w.FPPQty,w.FXSQty1,w.FXSQty2,isnull(@kc*w.FBomQty,0) as cbkc,isnull(w.FPPQty,0)+isnull(w.FXSQty1,0)-isnull(w.FXSQty2,0)-isnull(@kc*w.FBomQty,0) as XQSL,w5.FName as FSupName from ( select t1.code,t1.cen,t1.FItemID,t1.FBomQty,isnull(t4.FKCQty,0) as FKCQty,isnull(t5.FPRQty1,0)-isnull(t6.FPRQty2,0) as FPRQty,t11.FStockQty, isnull(t7.FPOQty1,0)-isnull(t7.FPOQty2,0) as FPOQty,isnull(sum(t8.FPPQty1*t3.FBomQty),0)-isnull(sum(t9.FPPQty2*t3.FBomQty),0) as FPPQty, isnull(sum(t10.FXSQty1*t3.FBomQty),0) as FXSQty1,isnull(sum(t10.FXSQty2*t3.FBomQty),0) as FXSQty2,t2.FErpClsID from #tmp1 t1 left join t_ICItem t2 on t1.FItemID=t2.FItemID left join #tmp2 t3 on t1.FItemID=t3.FItemID left join (select SUM(FQty) as FKCQty,FItemID from ICInventory group by FItemID) t4 on t1.FItemID=t4.FItemID --采购申请单的数量 left join ( select SUM(t2.FQty) as FPRQty1,t2.FItemID from PORequest t1 inner join PORequestEntry t2 on t1.FInterID=t2.FInterID where t1.FStatus>0 and t1.FCancellation=0 group by t2.FItemID ) t5 on t1.FItemID=t5.FItemID --PR下推采购订单或委外订单 left join ( --采购申请单下推采购订单 select SUM(t2.FQty) as FPRQty2,t2.FItemID from POOrder t1 inner join POOrderEntry t2 on t1.FInterID=t2.FInterID inner join t_ICItem t3 on t2.FItemID=t3.FItemID where t1.FCancellation=0 and t2.FSourceTranType=70 and t3.FErpClsID<>3 group by t2.FItemID --采购申请单下推委外订单 union all select SUM(t2.FQty) as FPRQty2,t2.FItemID from ICSubContract t1 inner join ICSubContractEntry t2 on t1.FInterID=t2.FInterID inner join t_ICItem t3 on t2.FItemID=t3.FItemID where t1.FCancellation=0 and t2.FClassTypeID_SRC=-70 and t3.FErpClsID=3 group by t2.FItemID ) t6 on t1.FItemID=t6.FItemID --PO left join ( --采购订单的数量、入库数量(外购件下推采购订单) select SUM(t2.FQty) as FPOQty1,SUM(t2.FStockQty) as FPOQty2,t2.FItemID from POOrder t1 inner join POOrderEntry t2 on t1.FInterID=t2.FInterID inner join t_ICItem t3 on t2.FItemID=t3.FItemID where t1.FCancellation=0 and t3.FErpClsID<>3 group by t2.FItemID --委外订单的数量、入库数量(委外加工件下推委外订单) union all select SUM(t2.FQty) as FPOQty1,SUM(t2.FStockQty) as FPOQty2,t2.FItemID from ICSubContract t1 inner join ICSubContractEntry t2 on t1.FInterID=t2.FInterID inner join t_ICItem t3 on t2.FItemID=t3.FItemID where t1.FCancellation=0 and t2.FClassTypeID_SRC=-70 and t3.FErpClsID=3 group by t2.FItemID ) t7 on t1.FItemID=t7.FItemID --产品预测单的数量 left join ( select sum(t2.FQty) as FPPQty1,t2.FItemID from PPOrder t1 inner join PPOrderEntry t2 on t1.FInterID=t2.FInterID where t1.FStatus=1 and t1.FCancellation=0 and t2.FNeedDateEnd>GETDATE() group by t2.FItemID ) t8 on t3.FPItemID=t8.FItemID --产品预测单下推销售订单的数量 left join ( select SUM(t2.FQty) as FPPQty2,t2.FItemID from SEOrder t1 inner join SEOrderEntry t2 on t1.FInterID=t2.FInterID where t1.FCancellation=0 and t2.FSourceTranType=87 group by t2.FItemID ) t9 on t3.FPItemID=t9.FItemID --销售订单的数量,销售订单下推销售出库的数量 left join ( select SUM(t2.FQty) as FXSQty1,SUM(t2.FStockQty) as FXSQty2,t2.FItemID from SEOrder t1 inner join SEOrderEntry t2 on t1.FInterID=t2.FInterID where t1.FCancellation=0 group by t2.FItemID ) t10 on t3.FPItemID=t10.FItemID --采购入库数量,委外加工入库数量 left join ( select t1.FItemID,SUM(FQty) as FStockQty from ICStockBillEntry t1 inner join ICStockBill t2 on t1.FInterID=t2.FInterID where (t2.FTranType=1 or t2.FTranType=5) and t2.FCancellation=0 group by t1.FItemID ) t11 on t1.FItemID=t11.FItemID group by t1.code,t1.cen,t1.FItemID,t1.FBomQty,t4.FKCQty,t5.FPRQty1,t6.FPRQty2,t7.FPOQty1,t7.FPOQty2,t11.FStockQty,t2.FErpClsID ) w inner join t_ICItem w2 on w.FItemID=w2.FItemID inner join t_MeasureUnit w3 on w2.FUnitID=w3.FItemID left join #tmp3 w4 on w4.FItemID=w.FItemID left join t_Supplier w5 on w4.FSupID=w5.FItemID order by w.code,w2.FNumber drop table #tmp1 drop table #tmp2 set nocount off end --select * from ICBOM --select * from ICBOMChild --exec pro_bobang_ICItemQiTao 'BOM000080','BOM000080' --exec pro_bobang_ICItemQiTao '*FBomNumber*','#FBomNumber#'
网名:浩秦; 邮箱:root#landv.pw; 只要我能控制一個國家的貨幣發行,我不在乎誰制定法律。金錢一旦作響,壞話隨之戛然而止。