
简介: OrientationHelperOrientationHelper是对RecycleView中子View管理的辅助类,它是一个抽象类,类中定义了获取View布局信息的相关方法。


     * Creates a horizontal OrientationHelper for the given LayoutManager.
     * @param layoutManager The LayoutManager to attach to.
     * @return A new OrientationHelper
    public static OrientationHelper createHorizontalHelper(
            RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager) {
        return new OrientationHelper(layoutManager) {
             * Returns the end position of the layout after the end padding is removed.
             * 返回RecycleView内容右边界位置(RecycleView的宽度-paddingRight)
             * @return The end boundary for this layout.
            public int getEndAfterPadding() {
                return mLayoutManager.getWidth() - mLayoutManager.getPaddingRight();
             * Returns the end position of the layout without taking padding into account.
             * 返回的就是RecyclerView的width
             * @return The end boundary for this layout without considering padding.
            public int getEnd() {
                return mLayoutManager.getWidth();
             * Offset all child views attached to the parent RecyclerView by dx pixels along
             * the horizontal axis.
             * 对于Horizontal方向的RecyclerView,这个方法的意思就是在水平方向上移动
             * RecyclerView  单位是px
             * @param dx Pixels to offset by
            public void offsetChildren(int amount) {
             * Returns the start position of the layout after the start padding is added.
             * 看源码其实就是return mRecyclerView != null ? mRecyclerView.getPaddingLeft() : 0;
             * 返回的就是RecyclerView的paddingLeft值
             * @return The very first pixel we can draw.
            public int getStartAfterPadding() {
                return mLayoutManager.getPaddingLeft();
             * Returns the space occupied by this View in the current orientation including
             * decorations and margins.
             * 返回view在水平方向上所占位置的大小  view.width+decoration的左右值+leftMargin+rightMargin
            public int getDecoratedMeasurement(View view) {
                final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams)
                return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedMeasuredWidth(view) + params.leftMargin
                        + params.rightMargin;
            * 返回view在竖直方向上所占位置的大小
            * view.height+decoration的top bottom值+topMargin+bottomMargin
            public int getDecoratedMeasurementInOther(View view) {
                final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams)
                return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(view) + params.topMargin
                        + params.bottomMargin;
            * 返回view右边界点的位置
            * view.width+decoration的right值+marginRight,
            * 就是子View右边界点到父View的(0,0)点的水平间距
            public int getDecoratedEnd(View view) {
                final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams)
                return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedRight(view) + params.rightMargin;
            * 返回view左边界点的位置
            * view.width-decoration的left值-marginLeft,
            * 就是子View左边界点到父View的(0,0)点的水平间距
            public int getDecoratedStart(View view) {
                final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams)
                return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedLeft(view) - params.leftMargin;
            * 返回view右侧包含Decoration right值的位置(如果包含decoration的话)
            public int getTransformedEndWithDecoration(View view) {
                mLayoutManager.getTransformedBoundingBox(view, true, mTmpRect);
                return mTmpRect.right;
            * 返回view左侧包含Decoration left值的位置(如果包含decoration的话)
            public int getTransformedStartWithDecoration(View view) {
                mLayoutManager.getTransformedBoundingBox(view, true, mTmpRect);
                return mTmpRect.left;
            * 返回RecyclerView的宽度-paddingLeft-paddingRight的值
            * 刚好是RecyclerView内容区的宽度
            public int getTotalSpace() {
                return mLayoutManager.getWidth() - mLayoutManager.getPaddingLeft()
                        - mLayoutManager.getPaddingRight();
            * 水平方向上移动view,单位是px
            public void offsetChild(View view, int offset) {
            * 返回mRecyclerView.getPaddingRight()
            public int getEndPadding() {
                return mLayoutManager.getPaddingRight();
            public int getMode() {
                return mLayoutManager.getWidthMode();
            public int getModeInOther() {
                return mLayoutManager.getHeightMode();


     * Creates a vertical OrientationHelper for the given LayoutManager.
     * @param layoutManager The LayoutManager to attach to.
     * @return A new OrientationHelper
    public static OrientationHelper createVerticalHelper(RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager) {
        return new OrientationHelper(layoutManager) {
            public int getEndAfterPadding() {
                return mLayoutManager.getHeight() - mLayoutManager.getPaddingBottom();

            public int getEnd() {
                return mLayoutManager.getHeight();

            public void offsetChildren(int amount) {

            public int getStartAfterPadding() {
                return mLayoutManager.getPaddingTop();

            public int getDecoratedMeasurement(View view) {
                final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams)
                return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(view) + params.topMargin
                        + params.bottomMargin;

            public int getDecoratedMeasurementInOther(View view) {
                final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams)
                return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedMeasuredWidth(view) + params.leftMargin
                        + params.rightMargin;

            public int getDecoratedEnd(View view) {
                final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams)
                return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedBottom(view) + params.bottomMargin;

            public int getDecoratedStart(View view) {
                final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams)
                return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedTop(view) - params.topMargin;

            public int getTransformedEndWithDecoration(View view) {
                mLayoutManager.getTransformedBoundingBox(view, true, mTmpRect);
                return mTmpRect.bottom;

            public int getTransformedStartWithDecoration(View view) {
                mLayoutManager.getTransformedBoundingBox(view, true, mTmpRect);
                return mTmpRect.top;

            public int getTotalSpace() {
                return mLayoutManager.getHeight() - mLayoutManager.getPaddingTop()
                        - mLayoutManager.getPaddingBottom();

            public void offsetChild(View view, int offset) {

            public int getEndPadding() {
                return mLayoutManager.getPaddingBottom();

            public int getMode() {
                return mLayoutManager.getHeightMode();

            public int getModeInOther() {
                return mLayoutManager.getWidthMode();
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