Kotlin 's Null safety

简介: Groovy's approach to null is the same as Java's – it requires you to handle it and guard against it.

Groovy's approach to null is the same as Java's – it requires you to handle it and guard against it. Its syntactic support for writing null-safe code is enhanced but the underlying problem remains.

Scala encourages and expects you to use its Option type and kind of pretends null doesn't exist. The problem is that any reference type in Scala (including a reference to Option) can be assigned a null value. Notwithstanding that you shouldn't do that, it can happen. For example when dealing with a Java API or when parsing JSON into a case class. It also means you have to write a wrapper for any legacy Java APIs you use to wrap nullable return types and parameters up in Option instances.

Kotlin treats a nullable reference to x as a different type to a non-nullable reference to x. This is indicated with a String? on the type name StringString? may be null, BUT String NOT. You must check for null before calling methods or accessing properties on anything potentially null. This is enforced by the compiler.

The key to understanding what's so great about this is that

Kotlin's String?

is an option type like

Scala's Option[String].

But it's also backwards compatible with every old Java API that might return null.

It's syntactically more convenient to deal with than Scala's Option or Java 8's Optional.

Kotlin's smart casts mean that once you've established that the reference is not null (e.g. in an if or when expression) that reference is automatically cast to the non-nullable type and you can then use it safely.

安全 Java 编译器
指定一个变量可null是通过在它的类型后面加?号,如 val a: String? = null 复制代码 (注意这个Int也可为空是因为在kotlin中一切都是对象,包括在java中的基本类型) 一个可null类型,没有进行检查前不能使用,如下代码会编译出错 val a: String? = null a.subString(2)
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Dart 安全
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Flutter开发Cannot run with sound null safety报错
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Java Kotlin 编译器
Kotlin学习(二)—— 基本语法,函数,变量,字符串模板,条件表达式,null,类型检测,for,while,when,区间,集合
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Android经典面试题之Kotlin延迟初始化的by lazy和lateinit有什么区别?
**Kotlin中的`by lazy`和`lateinit`都是延迟初始化技术。`by lazy`用于只读属性,线程安全,首次访问时初始化;`lateinit`用于可变属性,需手动初始化,非线程安全。`by lazy`支持线程安全模式选择,而`lateinit`适用于构造函数后初始化。选择依赖于属性特性和使用场景。**
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**Kotlin作用域函数概览**: `let`, `run`, `with`, `apply`, `also`. `let`安全调用并返回结果; `run`在上下文中执行代码并返回结果; `with`执行代码块,返回结果; `apply`配置对象后返回自身; `also`附加操作后返回自身
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