UAR HE TA【未完成】

简介: How to Write a Usability Aspect Report (UAR)UAR Identifier — Succinct description of the usability aspect Evidence for the aspect Explanati...

How to Write a Usability Aspect Report (UAR)

  • UAR Identifier <Problem or Good Feature>
  • Succinct description of the usability aspect
  • Evidence for the aspect
  • Explanation of the aspect
  • Severity of the problem or benefit of the good feature
  • Possible solution and potential trade-offs (if the aspect is a problem)
  • Relationship to other usability aspects (if any)



Heuristic Evaluation








Visibility of System Status

Match Between System and the Real World

User Control and Freedom

Consistency and Standards
Error Prevention
Recognition Rather Than Recall
Flexibility and Efficiency of Use
Aesthetics and Minimalist Design
Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors
Help and Documentation


Visibility of System Status系统数据的可见性


Match Between System and the Real World系统与现实相一致


User Control and Freedom 用户的控制权和自由度
Brief explanation of the heuristic. Allow the user to have control of the interaction. Users should be able to undo their actions easily, exit from any interaction quickly at any time, and not be forced into a series of actions controlled by the computer.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. Users will make errors, and, therefore, they will need easy ways to recover from them.


Consistency and Standards一致性和标准化
Brief explanation of the heuristic. Information that is the same should appear to be the same (same words, icons, and positions on the screen). Information that is different should be expressed differently. This consistency should be maintained within a single application and within a platform. Developers therefore need to know platform conventions.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. As with the Match Between System and the Real World heuristic, this heuristic makes use of a user’s prior knowledge and experience with other parts of the same application as well as with other applications on the same platform.


Error Prevention阻止错误
Brief explanation of the heuristic. As much as possible, prevent errors from happening in the first place. For instance, if there are a limited number of legal actions at some point in the application, then help users select from among these legal actions—rather than allowing them to perform any action and telling them after the fact when they've made an error. This could be considered a subset of the first heuristic, visibility of system status (what input the computer system is ready to accept), but it is so important and so often violated that it warrants its own heuristic.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. Errors can come about because users make mistakes in perception, lack knowledge about what to do next, recall the gist of a command rather than the exact details, or slip when they type or point. Some of these mistakes can be prevented by showing only those actions that are acceptable at that particular point in an interaction (e.g., graying out inappropriate buttons) or caught as soon as the user performs them (e.g., not accepting an incorrect abbreviation of a US state in an address form).


Recognition Rather Than Recall让用户认出而不是回忆
Brief explanation of the heuristic. Show all objects and actions available to the user. Do not require them to remember information from one screen of the application to another.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. This heuristic is a direct application of theories of human memory. It is much easier for someone to recognize that they know what to do if there are cues in the environment coming into working memory through perception as well as knowledge in long-term memory of what to do.


Flexibility and Efficiency of Use使用的灵活性和高效性
Brief explanation of the heuristic. The design should have accelerators (keyboard shortcuts) to allow skilled users to speed up their interaction (as opposed to always using menus or icons with the mouse). Skilled users should also be able to tailor their interface to speed up frequent actions.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. The value of accelerators comes primarily from the motor processes of the user. Typing single keys is typically faster than continually switching the hand between the keyboard and the mouse and pointing to things on the screen. Furthermore, skilled users will develop plans of action, which they will want to execute frequently, so tailoring can capture these plans in the interface itself.


Aesthetics and Minimalist Design美学和抽象的设计  清除无关的屏幕上的杂物

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. This heuristic relates to the visual search aspect of perception and also to memory. The more clutter, the more information the eyes must search through to find the desired information. In addition, the more information coming in through perception as the visual search proceeds, the more this information interferes with the retrieval from long-term memory of the information that is actually relevant to the task at hand.


Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors帮助用户认出、确认和从错误中恢复
Brief explanation of the heuristic. Error messages should be written in plain language, tell the user what the problem is, and give constructive advice about how to recover from the error. Again, this could be considered a subset of the first heuristic, visibility of system status, but it is so important and so often violated that it warrants its own heuristic.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. This is simply an admonition to give the user sufficient information to understand the situation.


Help and Documentation帮助文档
Brief explanation of the heuristic. If the system is not an extremely simple, walk-up-and-use application, it is going to need help and documentation. This should be always available, easily searchable, and give concrete advice applicable to users’ tasks.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. This is again an admonition to give the user sufficient information to understand the application. The search feature should allow information to be found by asking for the gist of the meaning, rather than only the exactly right keyword, because people will remember only the gist, not the exact words (if they ever knew them).






附件是两个HE的UAR 一个good feature 一个problem 还有一个TA的UAR 是个problem

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一个大V(意见领袖)表面光鲜亮丽,私底下却时常发布垃圾信息,大概是当下最糟糕的社交体验。 不只是大V,从社交圈被垃圾信息淹没开始,人们已经与高效、体面的网络社交生活失之交臂。深夜毒鸡汤散布者、刷屏微商、晒娃宝妈等各路角色齐上阵,几乎“侵占”了你的社交圈。传统基于人际关系的SNS体系(社交网络服务),正在成为低效社交的“帮凶”。不过最近有一款社会化媒体应用独树一帜——「Ta在」通过打造知识共享平台,正在重新为普通人的社交网络注入活力。
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