一, http://www.cnblogs.com/yangfengwu/p/5205570.html 发AT指令,,其实AT指令就是事先用SDK内部写好了
二, http://www.cnblogs.com/yangfengwu/p/5295632.html 这个呢是配合路由器实现远程,,其实可以买个域名,或者用云端
三, http://www.cnblogs.com/yangfengwu/p/5220919.html 这是做了一个用手机控制的WIFI小车
四, http://www.cnblogs.com/yangfengwu/p/5212570.html Android TCP客户端
五, http://www.cnblogs.com/yangfengwu/p/5294921.html Android TCP服务器
一 http://www.cnblogs.com/yangfengwu/p/7514336.html 下载自己选择功能的固件,刷固件,写LUA的软件
二 http://www.cnblogs.com/yangfengwu/p/7520260.html GPIO,串口,注意事项,空闲中断
三 http://www.cnblogs.com/yangfengwu/p/7524297.html SPI通信介绍,,STM32 SPI 从机
四 http://www.cnblogs.com/yangfengwu/p/7524326.html TCP服务器,单个连接
五 http://www.cnblogs.com/yangfengwu/p/7531730.html TCP服务器,多个客户端连接,CRC校验
六 http://www.cnblogs.com/yangfengwu/p/7533302.html TCP Client 断开自动重连,AD采集
七 http://www.cnblogs.com/yangfengwu/p/7533845.html UDP支持一路默认,3路动态连接,ssid 与 pwd 的读取
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] sendbyte = new byte[6]; sendbyte[0] = (byte)'+';//2B sendbyte[1] = (byte)'+'; sendbyte[2] = (byte)'M';//4D sendbyte[3] = (byte)'D';//44 sendbyte[4] = (byte)'0';//0 if (radioButton5.Checked) { sendbyte[5] = (byte)'0'; } else if (radioButton6.Checked) { sendbyte[5] = (byte)'1'; } else if (radioButton7.Checked) { sendbyte[5] = (byte)'2'; } if (radioButtonNetCon.Checked) { TcpSendDataMethod(sendbyte); } else if (radioButtonSerialCon.Checked) { SerialSend(sendbyte); } }
++MD00 AP模式
++MD01 Station模式
++MD00 AP+Station模式
if file.open("mode.lua", "w+") then file.writeline(string.sub(data,6,6))--MODE print("MODE="..string.sub(data,6,6)) file.close() else print("open mode.lua faild") end
if file.open("mode.lua", "w+") then file.writeline("123") file.flush()//连续写最好加上 file.writeline("456") file.flush() file.writeline("789") file.close() else print("open mode.lua faild") end
像是这样 mode.lua文件里面会是这样
file.open("mode.lua", "r") then s1= file.readline() s2= file.readline() s3= file.readline() file.close() end
s1 ="123\r"
s2 ="456\r"
s3 ="789\r"
if file.open("mode.lua", "r") then local Mode = file.readline() if Mode == nil then Mode="2" end if Mode:byte(1) == 48 then print("Wifi MODE: SOFTAP") wifi.setmode(wifi.SOFTAP) elseif Mode:byte(1) == 49 then print("Wifi MODE: STATION") wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) else print("Wifi MODE: STATIONAP") wifi.setmode(wifi.STATIONAP) end file.close() end
gpio.mode(4,gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.mode(2,gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.write(4,1) if adc.force_init_mode(adc.INIT_ADC) then node.restart() return end tmr.alarm(0, 1000, 1, function() gpio.write(4,1-gpio.read(4)) end) tmr.alarm(1, 5000, 0, function() dofile("file.lua") dofile("UDP.lua") end)
if file.open("mode.lua", "r") then local Mode = file.readline() if Mode == nil then Mode="2" end if Mode:byte(1) == 48 then print("Wifi MODE: SOFTAP") wifi.setmode(wifi.SOFTAP) elseif Mode:byte(1) == 49 then print("Wifi MODE: STATION") wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) else print("Wifi MODE: STATIONAP") wifi.setmode(wifi.STATIONAP) end file.close() end cfg={} cfg = wifi.ap.getconfig(true) if cfg.ssid == nil then cfg.ssid="Hellow8266" cfg.pwd="11223344" end print("APssid: "..cfg.ssid) if cfg.pwd == nil then print("APpwd: nil") else print("APpwd: "..cfg.pwd) end cfg.save=true wifi.ap.config(cfg) apcfg={} apcfg = wifi.sta.getconfig(true) if apcfg.ssid == nil then apcfg.ssid="qqqqq" apcfg.pwd="11223344" end print("APssid: "..apcfg.ssid) if apcfg.pwd == nil then print("Stationpwd: nil") else print("Stationpwd: "..apcfg.pwd) end apcfg.save=true wifi.sta.config(apcfg) wifi.sta.autoconnect(1) ConnectIP = "" ConnectPort = 8080 UdpSocket = net.createUDPSocket() UdpSocket:listen(ConnectPort) UdpSocketTable={} UdpIPTable={} UdpPortTable={} UdpConnectCnt = 0 UdpCanConnect = 0 UdpSocket:on("receive", function(socket, data, port, ip) UdpCanConnect = 1 for i=0,2 do if UdpIPTable[i] == ip and UdpPortTable[i] == port then UdpCanConnect = 0 end end if ip == ConnectIP and port == ConnectPort then UdpCanConnect = 0 end if UdpCanConnect == 1 then UdpSocketTable[UdpConnectCnt] = socket UdpIPTable[UdpConnectCnt] = ip UdpPortTable[UdpConnectCnt] = port print("\r\n"..UdpConnectCnt.."-Connect") UdpConnectCnt = UdpConnectCnt + 1 end if UdpConnectCnt == 3 then UdpConnectCnt = 0 end uart.write(0,data) end) UartReadCnt=0 UartReadCntCopy=0 UartReadData="" UartReadDataCopy="" uart.on("data",0,function(data) UartReadCnt = UartReadCnt + 1 UartReadData = UartReadData..data end, 0) tmr.alarm(2, 5, 1, function() if UartReadCnt ~=0 then if UartReadCnt == UartReadCntCopy then UartReadCnt = 0 UartReadCntCopy = 0 UartReadDataCopy = UartReadData UartReadData="" Config(UartReadDataCopy) NetSend(UartReadDataCopy) else UartReadCntCopy = UartReadCnt end end end) function NetSend(data) if UdpSocket ~= nil then UdpSocket:send(ConnectPort,ConnectIP,data) end for i=0,2 do if UdpSocketTable[i] ~= nil then UdpSocketTable[i]:send(UdpPortTable[i],UdpIPTable[i],data) end end end printip = 0 wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_DISCONNECTED, function(T) printip = 0 end) wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_GOT_IP, function(T) if printip == 0 then print("+IP"..T.IP) end printip = 1 end)
function Config(data) local RevLen = string.len (data) local crc = ow.crc16(string.sub(data,1,RevLen-2)) local recrc = data:byte(RevLen) recrc = recrc*256 recrc = recrc + data:byte(RevLen-1) if crc == recrc then --[[8266 Mode ]] if RevLen == 8 then if string.sub(data,1,5) == "++MD0" then----Mode if file.open("mode.lua", "w+") then file.writeline(string.sub(data,6,6))--MODE print("MODE="..string.sub(data,6,6)) file.close() else print("open mode.lua faild") end end--[[8266 Mode ]] end end end