
简介: 1.    Please specify what does “func()” do with the list "pParam", and what are the errors. struct LIST  {      int nValue;      struct LIST * pPr...

1.    Please specify what does “func()” do with the list "pParam", and what are the errors.

struct LIST 

    int nValue; 
    struct LIST * pPrev; 
    struct LIST * pNext; 
struct LIST * func(struct LIST * pParam) 

    struct LIST* pCur = pParam; 
    struct LIST* pNext; 
    struct LIST* pPrev = NULL; 
    struct LIST* pTail; 
    struct LIST* pReturn = NULL;

    if (pCur == NULL) 
        return pReturn; 
        pPrev = pCur->pPrev; 
        if (pCur->pNext == NULL) 
             pReturn = pCur; 
             pReturn = pCur->pNext; 

    while (pCur != NULL) 
        pNext = pCur->pNext; 
        if (pNext == NULL) 
            return pReturn; 
            pTail = pNext->pNext;

            pNext->pPrev = pPrev; 
            pNext->pNext = pCur; 
            pCur->pPrev = pNext; 
            if (pTail == NULL) 
                pCur->pNext = pTail; 
                if (pTail->pNext == NULL) 
                    pCur->pNext = pTail; 
                    pCur->pNext = pTail->pNext; 

        pPrev = pCur; 
        pCur = pTail; 

    return pReturn; 

2.    Please complete the standard C function: memmove(), here is the description (don’t use any C standard function): 
void * memmove (void *to, const void *from, unsigned int size) 
memmove copies the size bytes at from into the size bytes at to. The value returned by memmove is the value of to. 
3.    please complete this function, get binary tree’s depth. For example, the following binary tree’s depth is 4. The function returns depth. 
/     \ 
2    3 
     /       \ 
   4          5 
/     \ 
6        7

struct NODE 

    struct NODE* pLeft;        // pLeft is NULL if it has no left sub node 
    struct NODE* pRight;    // pRight is NULL if it has no right sub node 
int GetDepth(const struct NODE* pRoot) 


4.    A worker needs to do A work and B work. B’s priority is higher than A. For example, if he shall do A from 9:00 to 13:00, and shall doing B from 10:00 to 11:00, his choice shall be doing A from 9:00 to 10:00, doing B from 10:00 to 11:00, and doing A from 11:00 to 13:00.

Complete the following function (you can use pseudo-code or solution steps explanation instead of actual code), ”pSchedule“ is a worker’s work schedule (it’s an array), "nNum" is number of elements in array "pSchedule", "ppResult" is the result array which shall be returned and its buffer shall be allocated by yourself, "nRNum" is number of elements in “ppResult". The time phases in "pSchedule" cover each other, and not sorted, the output data in "ppResult" shall be a new schedule that are not covered of any phase, and sorted by start time. Return 0 if success.

enum WORK 

    A,        // A work 
    B        // B work 
struct SCHED 

    int nStartHour;        // at that hour work start 
    int nEndHour;            // at that hour work end 
    enum WORK work;        // work type 
int func(const struct SCHED* pSchedule, unsigned int nNum, struct SCHED** ppResult, unsigned int& nRNum) 


1.    请指出以下函数对参数"pParam"做了什么动作,并指出其中的错误


int func(struct LIST * pParam) 

    // … … 
    while (pCur != NULL) 
        pNext = pCur->pNext; 
        if (pNext == NULL) 
            pCur->pPrev = pPrev; 
            return pReturn; 
        // … … 
    return pReturn; 

2.    请完成标准C函数:memmove()

void *memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t count) 

    char *tmp; 
    const char *s;

    if (dest == NULL || src == NULL) 
        return NULL; 

    if (dest <= src) { 
        tmp = dest; 
        s = src; 
        while (count–) 
            *tmp++ = *s++; 
    } else { 
        tmp = dest; 
        tmp += count; 
        s = src; 
        s += count; 
        while (count–) 
            *–tmp = *–s; 
    return dest; 

3.    请完成以下函数,返回二叉树的深度。例如下面所示二叉树的深度为4。

#include <stdlib.h>

struct NODE 

    struct NODE* pLeft;    // pLeft is NULL if it has no left sub node 
    struct NODE* pRight;    // pRight is NULL if it has no right sub node 

int GetDepth(const struct NODE* pRoot) 

    if (pRoot == NULL) 
        return 0; 
    int nLeft = GetDepth(pRoot->pLeft); 
    int nRight = GetDepth(pRoot->pRight); 
    return nLeft > nRight ? nLeft + 1 : nRight + 1; 

4.    工人需要做A工作和B工作。B工作的优先级比A工作更高。例如,如果他要在9:00至13:00做A工作,而且在10:00至11:00做B工作,那么他 应该在9:00至10:00做A工作,在10:00至11:00做B工作,在11:00至13:00做A工作。 
完成下面函数,"pSchedule"是工人的工作计划(它是一个数组),"nNum"是数组"pSchedule"中的元素数量,"ppResult" 是需要返回的结果数组,"nRNum"是结果中的元素数量。"pSchedule"中的时间段互相覆盖,而且未排序,输出结果"ppResult"中的时 间段不允许有覆盖,并且按开始时间排序。函数执行成功返回0。


5、已知2010年的1月1日是星期五,写一个函数,输入M年和N 月,计算出该月的第3个星期五是几号?

6、写SQL 语句的题,其中有一个是如何创建索引?




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