Creating a custom creation complete effect on a Flex Alert control

The following example shows how to specify a effect which gets played when an Alert control is displayed by setting the Alert control’s  creationCompleteEffect  style. You can also see how to embed both the normal and bold font using CSS and @font-face
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!--  -->
< mx:Application  xmlns:mx =""
="white" >

< mx:Style >
        @font-face {
            src: local("Verdana");
            fontFamily: VerdanaEmbedded;

        @font-face {
            src: local("Verdana");
            fontFamily: VerdanaEmbedded;
            fontWeight: bold;

        Alert {
            fontFamily: VerdanaEmbedded;
            creationCompleteEffect: myEffect;
</ mx:Style >

< mx:Script >
            import mx.controls.Alert;

            private var alert:Alert;

            private function button_click():void {
                alert ="The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog", "Lorem Ipsum");
</ mx:Script >

< mx:Sequence  id ="myEffect" >
< mx:Parallel >
< mx:Zoom  />
< mx:Fade  />
</ mx:Parallel >
< mx:Rotate  />
</ mx:Sequence >

< mx:Button  label ="Launch Alert"  click ="button_click();"   />

</ mx:Application >

    本文转自 OldHawk  博客园博客,原文链接: ,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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