【IBM Tivoli Identity Manager 学习文档】9 怎样自定义ITIM的界面

简介: 作者:gnuhpc 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/gnuhpc/ 1.Administrative Console Customizations Tips Customizations to the Administrative Console are performed by making changes to the ui.


1.Administrative Console Customizations Tips
Customizations to the Administrative Console are performed by making changes to the ui.properties file.This file is located in the ITIM_HOME/data directory.Other places you may refer to is the JSP deployment Directory:
1)Take "Type your intranet ID and password, and then click Log In" for example, we add the HTML tag into the file tivoli_login.jsp in the deployment Directory. And we customized the logo, which just a HTML tag(tivoli_21.gif) in the same file.
2)Customizing the Banner Area are performed by making changes to the banner.jsp file in the JSP deployment Directory.
2.Self Service  Customizations Tips
SelfServiceUI.properties -- Main UI
SelfServiceScreenText.properties -- Text Tag header file.
SelfServiceText_xx.properties -- the xx is the two-character code for the specific language
SelfServiceHomePage.properties -- Homepage
SelfServiceTextKeys.properties -- determine which key pertains to which section of the interface.
Other places you may refer to is the JSP deployment Directory:
1)Take "SelfServiceScreenText.properties" for instance, you should add the the text into the tag "login_page_footer_message" of the file SelfServiceScreenText_en.properties.
2)Take the logo in self console for example, you should add the HTML Tag into the file loginBanner.jsp in the JSP deployment Directory
3.How to make a good customization in ITIM Solution?
1)Please use find command and grep command proficiently. It can be a great help even greater than any manual.
2)Learn the typical customizations from the material and the manual I hand overed.
3)Learn Some skills in CSS/XHTML/JSP, it will lead you into a more professional level. BTW, these aspects mentioned above are all very easy to learn.


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作者:gnuhpc  出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/gnuhpc/   首先明确TIM的架构如下: 1.数据库服务器 TIM将交易数据和历史数据放置在数据库服务器内,一个关系型数据库存放了当前和历史状态的相关数据。
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