ADF_General JSF系列1_创建一个简单的JSF Application

简介: 2015-02-17 Creatd By BaoXinjian 一、摘要 本文介绍如何创建一个简单的Application Step 1: Create a New Application and Project Step 2: Create a JSF Page Step 3: Des...

2015-02-17 Creatd By BaoXinjian



Step 1: Create a New Application and Project

Step 2: Create a JSF Page

Step 3: Design the UI

Step 4: Modify the Behavior Through Code


1: Create a New Application and Project

Step1. 创建Custom Application

Step2.  查看错所创建的Application


2: Create a JSF Page

Step1. 创建测试页面

Step2. 简单测试页面如下


3: Design the UI

Step1. 导入HTML和JSF控件

Step2.  最后组成如下控件


4: Modify the Behavior Through Code

Step1.  建立Managed Bean

Step2.  添加Button方法

Step3.  查看所创建的Java Managed Bean

Step4. Managed Bean中的代码

package project.backing;

import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.RequestScoped;
import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton;
import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm;
import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText;
import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlOutputText;

public class StartInfo {
    private HtmlOutputText outputText1;
    private HtmlCommandButton commandButton1;
    private HtmlInputText inputText1;
    private HtmlForm form1;

    public StartInfo() {

    public void setOutputText1(HtmlOutputText outputText1) {
        this.outputText1 = outputText1;

    public HtmlOutputText getOutputText1() {
        return outputText1;

    public void setCommandButton1(HtmlCommandButton commandButton1) {
        this.commandButton1 = commandButton1;

    public HtmlCommandButton getCommandButton1() {
        return commandButton1;

    public void setInputText1(HtmlInputText inputText1) {
        this.inputText1 = inputText1;

    public HtmlInputText getInputText1() {
        return inputText1;

    public void setForm1(HtmlForm form1) {
        this.form1 = form1;

    public HtmlForm getForm1() {
        return form1;

    public Object commandButton1_action() {
        // Add event code here...
        outputText1.setValue("Hello "+inputText1.getValue());
        return null;

Step5.  页面测试结果,当点击按钮式,将Input的值数据到显示栏位


Thanks and Regards

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