Restarting dead background process QMNC一例

一套10.2.0.5 的数据库,告警日志中反复出现"Restarting dead background process QMNC"的信息,具体日志如下:    
Thu Jun 07 10:38:28 GMT 2012
Restarting dead background process QMNC
QMNC started with pid=271, OS id=17059
Thu Jun 07 10:43:08 GMT 2012
Restarting dead background process QMNC
QMNC started with pid=234, OS id=18263
  但是通过ps 命令查看 重启的QMNC进程很快又消失掉, Metalink Note Restarting dead background process QMNC recorded in the alert.log file [ID 395137.1]说明了该问题  
Applies to:
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 10.1 to 11.2
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Checked for currency 06-Sep-10
The following messages are recorded in the alert log every 5 minutes

Restarting dead background process QMNC

1. database startup :

The database has not opened for an undetermined reason, i.e there is no statement:


recorded in the alert.log file.

2. database shutdown :

A process may be preventing the database from shutting down
cleanly. As a consequence, this may be causing the qmnc process problems.

This is expected behaviour.

The reason why the database has not opened or shutdown should be investigated.

These messages are a symptom of the problem and not the underlying cause.

  该问题除了会在 alert.log中每五分钟生成一次 "Restarting dead background process QMNC"的信息外,不会造成其他影响,一般可以忽略。   该警告信息可能由于ORACLE INSTANCE未能正常关闭引起(即shutdown不是clean干净的), 查询之前的alert.log 发现有一个EMN0进程在上一次shutdown immediate时被启动,且一直存在着:   Starting background process EMN0 Wed Jun 06 19:30:26 GMT 2012 Shutting down instance: further logons disabled EMN0 started with pid=47, OS id=322   EMN0是一个高级队列advanced Queuing相关的进程,该进程不是关键后台进程 , 必须时可以被 KILL掉   The EMNO process is new to Oracle8i, and has to do with improvements made to Advanced Queuing, specifically: A combination of features are introduced to allow a publish/subscribe style of

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