cursor: mutex S等待事件

cursor: mutex * events等待事件 cursor: mutex * events等待事件用于Cursor Parent 和 Cursor stats类型的操作: ‘Cursor: Mutex S’ , 某个进程以SHRD S mode申请一个Mutex, 而该Mutex要么被其他进程已EXCL X mode所持有,要么其他进程正在更新mutex 上的Ref Count。
  • 相关类型的操作一般是检测父游标或者CURSOR统计信息数据, 此外查询V$SQLSTATS也会造成CURSOR statistics被查询

详见 《深入理解Oracle中的Mutex》一文     A session waits on this event when it is requesting a mutex in shared mode, when another session is currently holding a this mutex in exclusive mode on the same cursor object. Solutions Solutions for mutex wait problems are very similar to each other. See Analysis of Waits on Mutexes for more information and troubleshooting ideas.

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SQL 关系型数据库 Oracle