如何去除Search Skin ojbect中的"web"和"site"选项按键

简介: 下面的设置在Skin White Papper 里无法查到,没有时间翻译,记下来仅供参考。 In DotNetNuke 4.5.3 installation, the Search Skin Object is changed.
下面的设置在Skin White Papper 里无法查到,没有时间翻译,记下来仅供参考。

In DotNetNuke 4.5.3 installation, the Search Skin Object is changed. You will find the option to Search the "Web", which is default to use Google to search. Or the option to Seach the "Site", which is the same as previous site search.

It is a very good features which was lacking from previous DNN, but it will create some problems on the SKINs. It will show an option box of "Web", and an option box of "Site", some of our skins (and a lot of from other vendors) which does not reserve enough place for display the two extra Options, will actually not display right.

Now the solutions:

  1. If you have access to your DNN installations, open file /portals/[P#]/[SkinNName]/[HTMLName].ascx
    <dnn:SEARCH runat="server" id="dnnSEARCH" cssclass="topcss" showWeb="False" ShowSite="False" />
    Add the red text in there, save it, your skin should work again.
  2. If you want to fix the skin PA package, extract your skin PA zip files into a folder, you will see Skins.zip and Containers.zip, extract skins.zip to the same folder, and add the following code into the SKIN.XML.
    Add the SKIN.XML back to SKINS.ZIP
    Add the SKINS.ZIP back to Skin PA file.
    Upload your skin and go.
  3. If your bought our skin, email us, we will fix it for free.
  4. We also offer very low customization service, if you do need add the search site and search web function to your skin (even you do not buy from us), we can customize for you for a very low price. HYDES004 at AllDnnSkins.COM Services.

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如何去除Search Skin ojbect中的"web"和"site"选项按键
下面的设置在Skin White Papper 里无法查到,没有时间翻译,记下来仅供参考。 In DotNetNuke 4.5.3 installation, the Search Skin Object is changed.
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