微软职位内部推荐-Senior Android Developer

简介: 微软近期Open的职位:Position: Senior SDE-- Mobile Products Android/iOS/WP Senior DeveloperContact Person: Winnie Wei (wiwe@microsoft.


Position: Senior SDE-- Mobile Products Android/iOS/WP Senior Developer

Contact Person: Winnie Wei (wiwe@microsoft.com)

Location: Beijing

Roles & Responsibilities:

As a Software Design Engineer, you will work with PM, UX and Test teams to design, develop, and deliver high quality mobile features. You must be able to innovate and work with PM/UX/Test to come up with feature design and execute well to deliver features on time against milestones.

• Makes appropriate design and architecture trade-offs for a feature

• Ensure code quality

• Has code reviews with other developers to surface design and implementation issues

• Identifies risks and dependencies in the schedule for a feature

• Writes unit test and fully leverages the automatable system for a feature

• Accounts for the performance, operation and serviceability of the feature

• Understand user intent and drive fundamental improvement of our mobile products

• Ensures customer and partner quality resolutions, solves customer/partner problems in a timely manner

• Innovate the next generation mobile and cloud experience.

Required Qualifications:

You should possess a strong technical background and a good grasp of software engineering principles, proven track record of working well with PM/UX/Test in a product group, exceptional problem solving, design, and programming skills,. You should be self-motivated and self-directed. Excellent interpersonal communication skills, written communication skills and the ability to work well in a team environment are very important.

Additional qualifications for this position include:

• Experience in designing, developing and shipping high quality mobile products and services

• Experience in android platform, deeply understand the platform, SDK and related tools

• Familiar with other mobile platforms (Android , iOS, WP) are optional

• Demonstrated experience driving for results in a cross-group/team project

• Ability to quickly understand new technology and applications

• Passion for shipping a high quality mobile products and services

• A BS or MS degree in Computer Science or related field

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.



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