微软(北京).NET俱乐部正式加入国际.NET组织The International .NET Association[INETA]

    北京.NET俱乐部自2005年成立至今已经走过了两年半,如今我们正式加入了国际.NET组织 The International .NET Association  简称[INETA],正式成为国际.NET技术联盟的一分子!分外高兴,我在这里展示的正式来自INETA的一封确认北京.NET俱乐部被批准正式加入 INETA 的邮件!

Dear Hantao Ge:
CONGRATULATIONS! Your group (Beijing.NET Club) has been approved to be an INETA member based on your dedication to the .NET user group community. Welcome to INETA! If you have any questions about the goals of INETA, or if I can personally be a source of encouragement and information for you, do not hesitate to drop me an email!
I see INETA as a way for the user groups (especially through the groups leadership) to connect with other user groups', answer each other's questions, and generally support each other. I hope you'll be interested in participating as an INETA member group as INETA continues to evolve.
As you may know, INETA maintains a Speakers Bureau and will be happy to provide a nationally known industry guru to speak at one of your meetings. In addition, INETA will sponsor refreshments (pizza, soda, etc) for this event as well. Just go to the Resources->Speakers Bureau tab on the INETA APAC site and fill out the form to request a speaker.
We publish a monthly newsletter which you will start receiving at the beginning of next month. You can find past newsletters in the Repository on the INETA Website. We would love to have you submit an article on any user group related subject or a write up and pictures of a recent meeting. We are looking for community building information not technical, for the newsletter.
I look forward to meeting you in person in the future. If you need to contact me, my email address is [email]vinod@extremeExperts.com[/email].
In addition once you logon to the site you will find a support forum, monitored by volunteers, where you can pose queries.
Best regards,



葛涵涛 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/gehantao/43034 ,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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