《EDKII Build Process:EDKII项目源码的配置、编译流程[3]》博文目录:
3. EDKII Build Process(EDKII项目源码的配置、编译流程)
->3.1 The General Process Of EDKII Build(EDKII项目源码的配置、编译一般流程)
->3.1.1 Tool chain:BaseTools
->3.1.2 Setup build shell environment
->3.1.3 Modify Conf Files
->3.1.4 Build
->3.2 The Process Of EDKII Build on Windows(Windows环境下EDKII项目源码的配置、编译流程)
->3.1.1 Tool chain:BaseTools
->3.2.2 Setup build shell environment
->3.2.3 Modify Conf Files
->3.2.4 Build Hello World! (and the rest of MdeModulePkg)
->3.2.4 Build Hello World! (and the rest of MdeModulePkg)
->3.3 The Process Of EDKII Build on Linux(Linux环境下EDKII项目源码的配置、编译流程)
->3.3.1 Tool chain: Build the EDK II BaseTools
->3.3.2 Setup build shell environment
->3.3.3 Modify Conf Files
->3.3.4 Build Hello World! (and the rest of MdeModulePkg)
3.1 The General Process Of EDKII Build(EDKII项目源码的配置、编译一般流程)
3.1.1 Tool chain:BaseTools
《EDKII_UserManual_0_7》手册第一章《EDKII Introduction》overview中在列举EDKII优势(The features introduced by EDKII include:)最后一条:
更为强大的编译系统(Enhanced build system.):
编译系统是基于跨操作系统平台的python语言。它是用户可以通过修改几个配置文件来选择不同的工具链、编译规则、编译目标对象。(Its infrastructure is based on Python that is independent of the operating system. It exposes several configuration files that a user can utilize to choose the various tool-chains, even the build rule or generated target. )
3.1.2 Setup build shell environment
在工作目录下在命令行下运行环境设置脚本(Run edksetup script from the command line prompt at the Work Space directory):
Windows Comand Prompt:
D:\edk2> edksetup.batLinux like:
bash$ . edksetup.sh BaseTools
3.1.3 Modify Conf Files 修改配置文件
我们可以通过配置Conf/target.txt和tools_def.txt文件来指定工具链将指定的包或模块编译成目标平台代码。 配置Conf/target.txt文件:
ACTIVE_PLATFORM = MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc TOOL_CHAIN_TAG = GCC46 TARGET_ARCH = IA32这样我们可以只在命令行中运行“ build ”命令即可,会读取 Conf/target.txt 文件下这些变量的作为默认编译参数。 [ 这种方式一定程度上简化了编译过程,不必每次都指定当前要编译的模块和目标平台代码,但可能也会缺少下面第二种方式的灵活性 ] 检查/修改tools_def.txt确保编译器路径正确Check/Modify tools_def Information:
3.1.4 Build
*-a(Architecture):用来选择目标平台架构。可供选择的平台架构:IA32(32位X86 CPU)、X64(64位X86_64 CPU)、IPF(Itanium Processor Family)、ARM和EBC(EFI Byte Code);默认的参数在Conf/target.txt中设置。 *-p(Package/Platform):用来指定要编译的package或platform。-p的参数是这个package或platform的.dsc文件;默认的参数在Conf/target.txt中设置。 *-m(Module):用来指定要编译模块。如果不指定-m选项,build将编译.dsc文件指定的所有模块。
Build命令的其他参数:(build -h 查看)
--version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit显示帮助信息。 -a TARGETARCH,--arch=TARGETARCH 选择目标平台架构,该选项被指定会取代Conf/target.txt中的TARGET_ARCH。 -p PLATFORMFILE,--platform=PLATFORMFILE 通过指定.dsc文件指定要编译的package,该选项将会Conf/target.txt文件ACTIVE_PLATFORM。 -m MODULEFILE, --module=MODULEFILE Build the module specified by the INF file name argument. -b BUILDTARGET, --buildtarget=BUILDTARGET 选择编译成DEBUG还是RELEASE。指定该选项后会取代target.txt文件中TARGET。 -t TOOLCHAIN, --tagname=TOOLCHAIN 选择tools_def.txt中定义的编译工具,例如VS2012:-t vs2012 -n THREADNUMBER 编译器使用的线程数量,指定后取代target.txt文件中MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER指定的线程数量. Less than 2 will disable multi-thread builds.小于2就禁止多线程编译。 -u, --skip-autogen Skip AutoGen step.跳过AutoGen这一步。 -c, --case-insensitive Don't check case of file name.文件名不区分大小写。 -w, --warning-as-error Treat warning in tools as error.将警告做错误处理。 -j LOGFILE, --log=LOGFILE Put log in specified file as well as on console.将编译信息输出到文件。 -s, --silent Make use of silent mode of (n)make.使用沉默模式执行make或nmake。 -q, --quiet Disable all messages except FATAL ERRORS.编译过程中只显示严重错误信息。 -d DEBUG, --debug=DEBUG Enable debug messages at specified level.在指定的级别启用调试消息。 -D MACROS, --define=MACROS Macro: "Name [= Value]".定义宏。
3.2 The Process Of EDKII Build on Windows(Windows环境下EDKII项目源码的配置、编译流程)
3.2.1 Tool chain:BaseTools
3.2.2 Setup build shell environment
D:\> cd edk2 D:\edk2> edksetup.bat
3.2.3 Modify Conf files Set Build Target Information:配置target.txt文件
通过记事本修改配置目录Conf/下的target.txt files和tools_def.txt文件,来配置我们当前要编译的包和使用的相应工具链VS2013。(You will need to edit the Conf/tools_def.txt and Conf/target.txt files. These changes will enable the MdeModulePkg to be built using the VS2013.)
You will need to edit the Conf\target.txt file. First, change the ACTIVE_PLATFORM to the MdeModulePkg:
D:\edk2> notepad Conf\target.txtACTIVE_PLATFORM should look like this in Conf\target.txt:
ACTIVE_PLATFORM = MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dscModify TOOL_CHAIN_TAG in target.txt for the toolchain installed on your system. There are many options, so review the tools_def.txt to find the appropriate toolchain for your system. Search for 'Supported Tool Chains' in tools_def.txt to see the valid options for TOOL_CHAIN_TAG.
TOOL_CHAIN_TAG = VS2013x86 Check/Modify tools_def Information:检查tools_def.txt确保编译器路径正确
DEFINE VS2013x86_BIN = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin DEFINE VS2013x86_DLL = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7 \IDE;DEF(VS2013x86_BIN) DEFINE VS2013x86_BINX64 = DEF(VS2013x86_BIN)\x86_amd64 ...... DEFINE WIN_ASL_BIN_DIR = C:\ASL DEFINE WIN_IASL_BIN = DEF(WIN_ASL_BIN_DIR)\iasl.exe DEFINE WIN_ASL_BIN = DEF(WIN_ASL_BIN_DIR)\asl.exe
3.2.4 Build Hello World! (and the rest of MdeModulePkg)
Now you should be able to simply run the build command to compile the MdeModulePkg.
D:\edk2> build
As a tangible result of the build, you should have the HelloWorld UEFI application. If you have a UEFI system available to you which matches the processor architecture that you built, then this application should be able to run successfully under the shell.
D:\edk2> dir /s Build\MdeModule\HelloWorld.efi
[注:dir /s specified directory显示指定目录和所有子目录中的文件]
3.3 The Process Of EDKII Build on Linux(Linux环境下EDKII项目源码的配置、编译流程)
3.3.1 Build the EDK II BaseTools
linux@ubuntu:~/src/edk2$ make -C BaseTools
[注:-C:Change directory ;]
3.3.2 Setup build shell environment
linux@ubuntu:~$ cd ~/src/edk2 linux@ubuntu:~/src/edk2$ export EDK_TOOLS_PATH=$HOME/src/edk2/BaseTools linux@ubuntu:~/src/edk2$ . edksetup.sh BaseTools
注意这里环境变量加载命令“. edksetup.sh BaseTools”而非“./edksetup.sh BaseTools”
“. edksetup.sh BaseTools”等同于“source edksetup.sh BaseTools”。“source edksetup.sh BaseTools”会将脚本“edksetup.sh BaseTools”中的命令读入当前shell环境变量中,并在当前环境变量中执行,而“./edksetup.sh BaseTools”仅仅是在当前shell下执行脚本。
所以要是执行“./edksetup.sh BaseTools”命令会出现“No command 'build' found”错误提示。
运行脚本“./edksetup.sh BaseTools”,未加载环境变量情况:
3.3.3 Modify Conf Files
通过vi修改配置目录Conf/下的target.txt files和tools_def.txt文件,来配置我们当前要编译的包和使用的相应工具链Gcc4.6。(You will need to edit the Conf/tools_def.txt and Conf/target.txt files. These changes will enable the MdeModulePkg to be built using the GCC 4.6 compiler.) Set Build Target Information:配置target.txt文件
For the Conf/target.txt file, find the following lines:(将Conf/target.txt文件中要编译的当前包、工具链变量)
And change the corresponding lines to match these:(修改为如下:要编译的当前包MdeModulePkg,工具链是本博文Ubuntu12.0VMware中已安装的Gcc4.6)
ACTIVE_PLATFORM = MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc TOOL_CHAIN_TAG = GCC46
注意:通过“gcc --version”命令可以查看当前环境下Gcc版本,gcc4.5.*这里工具链配置为GCC45,同理gcc4.6.*这里工具链配置为GCC46。(Note: The 'gcc --version' command can be used to find out your GCC version. Use theGCC45 toolchain for gcc 4.5.* and the GCC46 toolchain for gcc 4.6.*.)
Optionally, you may consider finding:(修改源码要生成的目标平台架构)
...and changing it if your GCC 4.6 installation supports 64-bit builds. You can change it to either 'X64', or even 'IA32 X64' which will build both architectures. Check/Modify tools_def Information:检查/修改tools_def.txt确保编译器路径正确
DEFINE GCC46_IA32_PREFIX = /usr/bin/ DEFINE GCC46_X64_PREFIX = /usr/bin/
3.3.4 Build Hello World! (and the rest of MdeModulePkg)
现在可以运行简单的编译命令“build”来编译MdeModulePkg包。(Now you should be able to simply run the build command to compile the MdeModulePkg.)
linux@ubuntu:~/src/edk2$ build
可以通过ls命令One result of the build is that you should have the HelloWorld UEFI application:
linux@ubuntu: ls Build/MdeModule/DEBUG_*/*/HelloWorld.efi