01/29/20148 Comments
Firstly, run this command on command prompt slmgr.vbs /dlv
Then check the re-arm counter value, if it's 0 and you sysprep you will receive errors in the setupact.log and setuperr.log files like these:
Error [0x0f00a8] SYSPRP WinMain: Hit failure while processing sysprep generalize providers; hr = 0xc004d307
Error [0x0f0073] SYSPRP RunExternalDlls:Not running DLLs; either the machine is in an invalid state or we couldn’t update the recorded state, dwRet = 31
Error [0x0f0082] SYSPRP LaunchDll: Failure occurred while executing 'C:\Windows\System32\slc.dll, SLReArmWindows', returned error code -1073425657
Error [0x0f0070] SYSPRP RunExternalDlls: An error occurred while running registry sysprep DLLs, halting sysprep execution. dwRet = -1073425657
Open regedit and look for:
Set to value: 2
Set to value: 7
And Run these command on elevated command prompt:
msdtc -uninstall (wait a few seconds)
msdtc -install (wait a few seconds)
Reboot the system.
If this does not work, then last option is Windows Product Activation (WPA) vulnerability that was introduced in Windows 7
When the WPA registry key is deleted, the status of Windows 7 is re-initiated to the Initial Grace Period as if Windows 7 has just been installed. The deletion of the WPA registry key is achieved via the following method.
· Create a .bat file with following text and place it in C:, like C:\Reset.bat
reg load HKLM\MY_SYSTEM “%~dp0Windows\System32\config\system”
reg delete HKLM\MY_SYSTEM\WPA /f
reg unload HKLM\MY_SYSTEM
· Restart the computer.
· Press F8 right after the BIOS screen to get to the “Advanced Boot Options” and Select Repair Your Computer.
· Select your keyboard input method, and click next.
· Enter user name and password login credentials for local Admin user, and continue
· In the “System Recovery Options”, open Command Prompt.
· Run the Reset.bat file from C:
· Restart the computer.
The system will be moved to grace period after the reboot.
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